Wednesday: Earthly Duties and Heavenly Outcomes
Daily Lesson for Wednesday 28th of August 2024
Read Mark 12:13-27. What is going on here, and what truths does Jesus teach?
The religious leaders were trying to catch Jesus in something they could use to condemn Him, either to the Roman governor or to the people. In this controversy, it was the question of paying taxes. In this time and place, refusing to pay taxes could be taken as rebellion against the Roman government, a serious offense.
Jesus’ reply to give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s kept Him out of a trap and also provided profound instruction on the believer’s responsibility to the government. “He declared that since they were living under the protection of the Roman power, they should render to that power the support it claimed, so long as this did not conflict with a higher duty. But while peaceably subject to the laws of the land, they should at all times give their first allegiance to God.”—Ellen. G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 602.
What follows next is a question about the resurrection of the dead. The Sadducees were a priestly group that accepted only the five books of Moses as Scripture. They did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. The scenario they present to Jesus was probably hypothetical. It involved seven brothers and one woman. According to the law of Moses, when a man who died left no sons, his brother would marry the widow to maintain property in a family line, and any children born to that union would be legally those of the dead man (Deuteronomy 25:5-10).
Seeking to discredit the doctrine of the resurrection, the Sadducees point to a moral dilemma of whose wife the woman would be in the resurrection. Jesus counters their argument in two steps, referring to the Scriptures and to the power of God. First, He describes the power of God in the resurrection and indicates that there will not be marriage in heaven. Then He defends the doctrine of the resurrection by appealing to Exodus 3:1-22, where God indicates that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus implies that this means that they will be raised; they cannot remain dead if God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who are, for now, dead.
If someone were to ask you, “Do you know the power of God?” what would you reply, and why?

Yes, I could answer that I know the power of God — not through other people's experiences, but through my own. I'm sure I am alive because of the actions of this loving God in my life. Thus, I should not fear the future when my past is an open miracle.
Jesús is the salvation exampt to follow in other to have eternal life.
To the last question my answer would be this: Yes, I know the power of God because, 1. I am alive, and He is the God of the living; 2. He also became a human just like me in the Person of Jesus Christ and because He lives, I also live, and finally; 3, He has given us His Word "The Bible" and there is "Life" there for all my needs Physically and Spiritually each and every day that I live for Him.
"...any children born to that union would be legally those of the dead man (Deuteronomy 25:5-10)." The scripture references only the firstborn. If "any" children born belongs to the dead brother, then the married brother would not have a heritage line. Correct?
Yes, you are correct, otherwise the other brother would need an heir too. Small error, but I noticed it right away.
The Herodians and the Pharisees make an interesting combination to examine Jesus. There question well thought out through their combined effort was a hot topic of the day, Herodians benefited from the tax' and Pharisees were exempt. The answer they received was not what they expected. The coin bore the image of Caesar Augustus, the inscription in Latin read Caesar Augustus son of god. When Jesus answered some understood what He was saying. All that originates on earth, or from the earth, belongs to the earth, and remains with the earth. With man all that came from the earth remains as part of the earth. But the essence of life which is the breath that came from the Creator belongs to the Creator. This gift of life has been given to us to do with whatever we choose, it's the only thing that belongs to us that we can give as a gift to our Creator, our Father (Jer. 3:19).
The Sadducees being schooled in the law according to their beliefs, brought their question to cause Jesus to have to choose a side. Again Jesus knew their intent, and as always chose to represent the truth. Calling out their error and lack of knowledge, He presents a picture of the resurrection not according to common understanding. Adam was instructed to multiply and fill the earth, when the earth was filled there would no longer be a need to continue to multiply. The first marriage was the example given of what it is meant for two to become one, In the resurrection all will be one.
Then Jesus gives the example of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, these 3 are an example of all of the sons of Adam in this way: Abraham was not born into the Covenant but was chosen and he responded to that choice becoming a son of the Covenant, Isaac was born into the Covenant and remained a son of the Covenant throughout his life, represented in Scripture by the his life lived entirely within the boundary of the promised land. Jacob was born in the land, into the Covenant, the events of his life caused him to separate from family and the land. After his separation Father called Him back to the land and the Covenant, Jacob responded, repented and returned.
Our Father is Father to all who choose life, those born outside of the Covenant, those born into the Covenant and remain, those born into the Covenant who leave, and return. All who in life freely choose to answer the beckoning call of Father to become a son or daughter of the Covenant will be resurrected and forever be in the presence of Father. The only thing I have to offer is the life that was given to me.
Another day in the life of Jesus, another challenge given to Him. This time the Pharisees and the Sadducees team up in tag team fashion against Jesus, both trying to trap Him in His words. Jesus sends them both away, probably muttering to themselves.
The Pharisees must have "won the coin toss" and elected to go first. They must have thought that Jesus was some back country, illiterate, ignoramus, since he didn't graduate from their university, or sit under their prestigious Rabbi's tutelage. Jesus is about to "school" the teachers. They were hoping to have Him speak against paying taxes to their despised occupiers, the Romans. Thus getting Jesus in trouble with the authorities. Jesus masterfully outmaneuvers them. They are playing checkers, while Jesus is playing Chess. After Jesus flipping the argument, like a coin, He leaves them flummoxed and speechless. It's time to "tag off" and let the Sadducees enter the ring with Jesus.
The Sadducees not believing in the resurrection, which probably made them sad, you see, decided to use the argument of something they didn't even believe in to try to trap Jesus. Not really a very wise strategy to say the least. Jesus once again masterfully disarms the set trap, correcting their theology, while setting the record straight.
You see these types of games played and traps set today in politics and the media. We need to learn from Jesus how to emerge victorious when we are tricked or trapped by "gotcha" questions or situations. Jesus well understood the schemes of the Devil and how to avoid falling prey to them. Do we? The Scriptures were His favorite and most effective weapon. They can likewise be for us too.
Pray for my husband who's failing to sleep at night a month after surgery at his back
Praying for your husband and you. Put it all in God's hands
I think what we need to learn from Jesus is to depend totally on the Holy Spirit. He said, "I can of my own self do nothing." (John 5:19) He also told us that we should not plan beforehand what to say, if brought before rulers, but that the words would be given us. (Luke 21:12-15) This has always been and will always be fulfilled for those who daily depend on the Holy Spirit to guide them. If we store the Word of God in our hearts, the Spirit can bring the right words to remembrance when needed. (John 14:26)
Once again they find a master whose intelligence is out of this world, I'd like to have this kind of intelligence.
Elsie, that's a dangerous thing to want, considering how Lucifer turned into Satan. He wanted the power and intelligence of God without having His character of self-renouncing love - the kind of love that caused Him to die for us.
As selfish humans, we naturally want power, intelligence, popularity, etc. But to want to be unselfish, giving, and self-forgetful doesn't come naturally. It takes the Spirit of God to give us new hearts that want to be unselfish, giving, and self-forgetful.
Hi Inge, I don't want to be contrary here, but I suspect Elsie isn't talking about wanting Lucifer's attitude. Perhaps the word choice isn't the best - wisdom is probably a better word and there's nothing wrong with wanting that. God commended Solomon for asking for wisdom. I think God wants us to have that wisdom, but yes, we need the right attitude to go with it.
I can confidently say yes I know Jesus through what he has done for me and my family, keeping us alive...we have seen a lot and came out victorious through it all through his power
Yes, I know He has power to save and help me when I call upon Him. I have experienced His help and saving many times in my life.
Jesus demonstrated His power over death. Lazarus was dead for four days, already in the decaying process. Jesus called him forth out of the grave-- alive and healthy.
Why did Jesus raise dead people while He was here on earth, after all they would simply die again as time went on?
He did it to demonstrate He had the power to raise the dead. He said, "I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: John 11:25 ".
Sometimes, as we watch loved ones die, and grieve their loss, we sometimes question Christ's power. Why? Why did He heal and raise the dead back then, yet our beloved dies?
But in this old world everyone dies. That's a fact for all born into this world. BUT there is another time coming, when the dead shall rise, and all who have belief and accept the Savior will not perish but have everlasting life.
The Sadducees had a very sad message, seems all they believed in was what they got out of this life. No wonder they fought against Someone who pointed out the fallacy of trusting in position and wealth, and urged people to seek a future life in the kingdom of God.