HomeDailyTuesday: God Loves Justice    


Tuesday: God Loves Justice — 2 Comments

  1. Today, I have collected all the verses in Psalms that mention Justice. I leave it as a hoework excercise to read these to see the big picture of not only God's justice but our resoponsibility.

    • Your throne is founded on two strong pillars—the one is Justice and the other Righteousness. Ps 84:19
    • But Lord! Arise in anger against the anger of my enemies. Awake! Demand justice for me, Lord! Psalm 7:6
    • He who avenges murder has an open ear to those who cry to him for justice. He does not ignore the prayers of men in trouble when they call to him for help. Psalm 9:12
    • Your justice is as solid as God’s mountains. Your decisions are as full of wisdom as the oceans are with water. You are concerned for men and animals alike. Psa;m 35:6
    • Your innocence will be clear to everyone. He will vindicate you with the blazing light of justice shining down as from the noonday sun. Psalm 37:6
    • For the Lord loves justice and fairness; he will never abandon his people. They will be kept safe forever; but all who love wickedness shall perish. Psalm 37:28
    • And in your majesty Go on to victory, Defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to awe-inspiring deeds! Psalm 45:4
    • Your throne, O God, endures forever. Justice is your royal scepter. Psalm 45:6
    • Justice? You high and mighty politicians don’t even know the meaning of the word! Fairness? Which of you has any left? Not one! All your dealings are crooked: you give “justice” in exchange for bribes. Psalm 58:1-2
    • How glad the nations will be, singing for joy because you are their King and will give true justice to their people! Psalm 67:4
    • He is a father to the fatherless; he gives justice to the widows, for he is holy. Psalm 68:5
    • I will talk to others all day long about your justice and your goodness. For all who tried to hurt me have been disgraced and dishonored. Psalm 71:24
    • Help him to give justice to your people, even to the poor. Psalm 72:2
    • Mercy and truth have met together. Grim justice and peace have kissed! Psalm 85:10
    • Justice goes before him to make a pathway for his steps. Psalm 85:13
    • Your throne is founded on two strong pillars—the one is Justice and the other Righteousness. Mercy and Truth walk before you as your attendants. Blessed are those who hear the joyful blast of the trumpet, for they shall walk in the light of your presence. Psalm 89:14,15
    • Clouds and darkness surround him. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. Psalm 97:2
    • Jerusalem and all the cities of Judah have heard of your justice, Lord, and are glad that you reign in majesty over the entire earth and are far greater than these other gods. Psalm 97:8-9
    • This mighty King is determined to give justice. Fairness is the touchstone of everything he does. He gives justice throughout Israel. Psalm 99: 4
    • I will sing about your loving-kindness and your justice, Lord. I will sing your praises! Psalm 101:1
    • He gives justice to all who are treated unfairly. Psalm 103:6
    • Your justice is eternal for your laws are perfectly fair. Psalm 119:142
    • who gives justice to the poor and oppressed and food to the hungry. He frees the prisoners Psalm 148:7
  2. The Church should be a champion of justice within its structures and in the society. In a loving and firm stance, the church leadership should actively promote justice in all its operations, policies, and theology. In the context of Micah 6:8, the church is God’s platform here on earth and it should be as white as snow in all matters of justice, mercy and humility. What should the church leadership do to execute this role faithfully?

    A) The church should act justly:

    1. The church should speak/advocate for the oppressed. Never should the church be silent in the face of corruption, discrimination, oppression or any social injustice (Proverbs 31:8-9). In the first instance, the church leadership must not participate in any form or shape in these evils.

    2. The church should uphold integrity in matters of financial management, decision-making and discipline. Unfortunately, in some cases, church leadership has been engulfed in financial and leadership scandals. The church’s integrity should be beyond reproach within its leadership.

    3. The church needs to be the voice and source of refuge to vulnerable (the poor, widows, orphans, and marginalized (Isaiah 1:17). Unfortunately, in some cases, the voice of the rich and the powerful overshadows justice and fairness.

    4. The church should administer fair discipline. Unfortunately, in some cases, favouritism is practiced towards the more influential members of the church. Favouristism is evil and must not be part of God’s church.

    B) The church in all its operations must exercise love and mercy:

    1. The church must support the needy in its programs and policies. God has allowed us to love Him through our fellow human beings. The church must be relevant to the needs of the vulnerable, otherwise it ceases to be God’s church. How can we say that the money belongs to God when the church neighborhoods are ravaged with hunger!

    2. The church discipline is to restore and not to condemn. Those who have fallen into the devil’s trap should be rehabilitated, mentored, counselled and reconciled into the family of God.

    3. The church should be the strongest platform for promoting peace and forgiveness. As much as possible, the church should advocate for the resolution of disputes biblically (Matthew 18:15-17).

    C) Church leadership should lead by humility:

    1. Church leaders should be “servant leaders”. They should seek to serve and not seek power and control (Mark 10:45).

    2. Church leaders should avoid being led by the spirit of materialism. Financial gains should not be the prime motive for seeking office. Display of excessive affinity for materialism goes against Christ’s humility.

    3. Church leaders should promote unity and equality. All church members should be treated with the same respect and dignity regardless of social class, race, or gender (Galatians 3:28). Unfortunately, in some cases, members are treated according to the size of their financial pockets. This should never, ever be the case!

    4. Church leaders need to seek God’s guidance at all times when making decisions, big or small. Church leaders need to fortify their actions through constant prayer. Also, church members ought to pray for their leaders always.

    "To do righteousness and justice Is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice" - Proverbs 21:3


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