3: Jesus’ Messages to the 7 Churches – Discussion Starters Jan 18, 2019
The Seven Churches
- Ephesus was covered in last week’s lesson. Did Ephesus make a good choice for the first church in this discussion? If “yes,” why?
- Smyrna. How was the church in Smyrna affected by the Diocletian persecution? What, if any, were the
- Pergamos. Describe the advice of the “Nicolaitans” and what it had to do with compromise.
- Thyatira. In what way(s) was Thyatira most influenced by negative forces within the church rather than from the outside?
- Sardis. What huge advantage did Sardis have in protecting their city? Why did this church become spiritually dead?
- Philadelphia. In Revelation 3:10-13, what does God tell us about the speed of His coming? Can a person just “pray for salvation” and not think about anything else? Explain.
- Laodicea. Wouldn’t you rather get stuck somewhere in warm, shallow water than in bubbling hot or ice cold water? Which would the Laodiceans prefer?
- Today. What is the state of the church you attend today? What can you do to improve it?
- Discuss. The lesson ends with three excellent discussion questions. As the class leader or teacher, you might want to begin with this section of the lesson!

Looking at the SDA Bible Commentary's E G White notes on Revelation 2 and 3. As I read there seems to be one theme in all 7 churches. They had a head knowledge of Jesus and his plan of salvation but no heart knowledge, no God like love was seen, heard or felt. They each had lost the ability to reach out to others and share this Good News. Page 963 of the SDA Commentary vol 7 (older edition) The bold heading calls these members Spiritual Novices. They profess the truth, may even teach the truth but have no self denial no self sacrifice. "They weave into the fabric of their character so many threads of their own imperfections that the beautiful pattern is spoiled." As we study and teach this lesson may we repent of our lack of love for the unsaved, may we challenge our classes to look more closely at the cross to catch the Love flowing from God through that sacrifice and allow the Holy Spirit to make the changes we need to make to hasten our Lord's return.