3: The Birdcage – Singing With Inspiration
Having scanned through the lesson quarterly, there are so many hymns from which to choose a theme. In effect, there is a commencing theme hymn which changes through the quarter to the finale theme hymn. To start with, we could use:
Hymn 552 – The Lord’s My Shepherd or
Hymn 545 – Savior, Like a Shepherd.
Somewhere in the middle of the quarter one could change the theme and add in
Hymn 159 – On a Hill Far Away
which is where we complete our studies in Lesson 13.
It is wonderful to read that “He has a song to teach us, and when we have learned it amid the shadows of affliction we can sing it ever afterward” (Sabbath afternoon). This endless praise is found in
Hymn 183 – I Will Sing of Jesus’ Love.
Sunday presents the Promised Land to us as does
Hymn 620 – On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand. This was done by the wondrous leading of God –
Hymn 537 – He Leadeth Me,
Hymn 482 – Father, Lead Me Day By Day and
Hymn 619 – Lead On, O King Eternal. Do we have the openness to God’s instruction and a continual submission of our minds and hearts to His leading?
Hymn 634 – Come All Christians Be Committed because
I Know Whom I Have Believed – Hymn 511.
The Israelites (Monday) camped where there was no water for their physical thirst, but we find in
Hymn 460 – As Water to the Thirsty “so is my Lord, my living Lord, so is my to me” – the water of life.
I Need Thee Every Hour – Hymn 483 is our help for the Great Controversy of daily life as was found in the Desert (Tuesday), when “temptations lose their power” for I know that
Chief of Sinners Though I Be – Hymn 295, Jesus shed His blood for me, even though I continually fail as a fallen human.
Though we are beset by labours and trials on this old earth as Peter shares with us on Wednesday, we know we have a Wonderful Home with help of our Dear Lord, Jesus:
Hymn 435 – The Glory Song. Our genuine faith will keep us on track:
Hymn 608 – Faith is the Victory, because we are
Standing on the Promises – Hymn 518.
We may have our trials by fire (Thursday) to be refined and purified, and this we find in
Hymn 263 – Fire of God, Thou Sacred Flame.
Friday’s quotation by Ellen G White, we see “He is our helper”:
Hymn 103 – O God, Our Help.
In these times of trial may we pray
God Be in My Head – Hymn 679 and in my thinking and
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord – Hymn 684 granting us peace and hope til Jesus comes – very soon.
To learn unknown hymns, you will find the accompaniment music for each one at: https://sdahymnals.com/
Another great resource is for when there is a hymn you wish to sing but can’t find it in your hymnal. Go to https://www.sdahymnal.org
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”