5: Excuses to Avoid Mission – It is Written – Discussions with the Author

Join It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and this week’s featured guest, Amy Whitsett, as they provide additional insights into this week’s Sabbath School lesson, “Excuses to Avoid Mission.”

Thank you Eric & Amy 🙂
So, my summary from the video is this:
These are the things that hinder us in fulfilling the mission of inviting people into King Jesus' kingdom:
1. Prejudice
I heed King Jesus' words "Love your enemies..." in Matthew 5:44 KJV to reduce the effect of my prejudice.
2. Fear
a. God won't come through.
I use Proverbs 3:5 KJV to drive me.
b. It will take too much of my time.
I consider my time to actually be His time. Always.
c. It will be difficult & emotionally draining.
I tend to focus my effort on the "good ground" & plant seed there. I take guidance from King Jesus' words in Matthew 13:8 KJV. This allows me to be a more effective sower.
3. Pride
It is His glory & I remain "...meek and lowly in heart..." ( King Jesus in Matthew 11:29 KJV )
Two key excerpts from the interview with Amy:
"Keep a gratitude journal... we going to be much more willing to be used...we need to have testimonies everyday... because that's what people relate to...", Amy Whitsett.
"If God tells you to do it; Do it.", Amy Whitsett.
So appreciate Amy's practical ideas as to how we can allow God to use us. Thank you for your suggestions and your testimony!!
Thank you so much Amy for your practical encouragement admonition and advice from your years of experience and service. I feel greatly encouraged and motivated as a result. GOD bless you abundantly