5 Stewards After Eden – Discussion Starters
1. “We are not trying to please people but God.” Who framed these words? Was it a New Testament teacher working for SSNET before that organization began? Our Bible friend Paul writing to believers in Thessalonica? Is it possible to please people without being pleasing to God? Study this week’s lesson carefully as we consider stewardship for God after Eden.
2. Stewards in the Old Testament. The word “steward” is sort of rare in the Old Testament. Nevertheless, what did it mean in Old Testament times to choose someone as a steward? What did this assignment mean to the person chosen? What happened if a steward enjoyed his work so much that he helped himself to the tools and supplies of his master? Does a steward in God’s church today also have a master to obey? Can you and I choose to be stewards?
3. Stewards of the Mysteries of God. Have you ever glanced at the titles of popular mystery novels in a store or publication? What are some differences in those mysteries compared with the mysteries of God? In what way or ways is the plan of salvation supernatural and mysterious to us? What is the greatest of all mysteries related to the plan of salvation in your life? What, if anything, is impossible (or almost impossible) to understand in the plan of salvation?
4. Stewardship of Visible Truth. Does it take more care to organize intangible spiritual gifts than tangible ones? If it does, why? Why does God grant us “The whole armor of God,” as we wage the battle with sin? What is the process through which you and I can obtain victory over sin? Through what process does God give us full redemption? Is it free? If so, in what way(s)? It not, what does it cost?
5. Our Responsibility as Stewards. When you enlist as a steward, what is your primary responsibility? How do mere people like you or me place God as the ultimate leader of our battle for righteousness? What does it take to sign up as a full-time servant of God? Why isn’t being judged strictly by our deeds the fairest and most comprehensive way for God to judge us? Or is it?

Awesome word. Changed my attitude under leadership. God is great.