Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 14: Boasting in the Cross
Our Memory Text for this weeks’ lesson study suggests:
Hymn 312, “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” along with
Hymn 307, “I Am Coming to the Cross”.
Sunday’s lesson states: “He simply cannot put the pen down until he pleads with the Galatians once more to turn from their foolish ways” and I am so thankful we have a Savior pleading for us:
Hymn 284, “For You I Am Praying”.
Tuesday comes back to the theme of the cross, giving a lot of hymns from which to choose, including the first two hymns in this writing.
Hymn 154/155, “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”
Hymn 159, “The Old Rugged Cross”
Hymn 237, “In the Cross of Christ I Glory”
Hymn 303, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”
Hymn 325, “Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken”
Hymn 362, “Lift High The Cross” to name just a few.
May we be led to “repentance and faith” as in the closing remark on Wednesday’s study:
Hymn 517, “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” will encourage us to do this.
Thursday – The scars Paul received in showing his devotion to Jesus Christ will help us to look upon Jesus with our great devotion in
Hymn 412, “Cover With His Life”.
May we have the present truth as studied on Friday:
Hymn 203, “This Is the Threefold Truth”.
A Happy Sabbath to all.
Galations 6:18 – “Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.”