HomeSSLessons2019a Book of Revelation2019a Teaching helps6: The Sealed People of God – Singing with Inspiration    


6: The Sealed People of God – Singing with Inspiration — 5 Comments

  1. Thanks Corinne
    I do enjoy and appreciate the effort you put into your selection each week. When it is my week to chose I go straight to you as I can't do any better.
    Godbless today
    Mrs A Stolz

  2. Dear Mrs Stolz
    The Lord and I do a lot of talking each week - I do the listening.
    Thank you for your confirmation - I am humbled.
    Blessings to you

  3. After 40+ years of teaching Kindergarten through Junior High, and three years with Young Adults, I retired from teaching. The need arose for an Adult class teacher last summer, and I said I'd be willing to fill in until they found someone full time, since my husband and I are planning to move to another state. Well, we are still planning to move, just not as quickly as I had thought, but I'm really gaining a blessing from teaching this class. The resources from Mrs. Stolz came up in a search today. What a blessing! Thank you so much. [Moderator: Did you mean Corinne Knopper?]

  4. Thank you, Jo Ann.
    It is very cheering to hear that you still use your God-given talent of teaching.
    God bless you in this venture of teaching the Word of God to young hearts.


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