7 Jesus’ Teaching and the Great Controversy – Discussion starters
- “I will give you rest.” How does the “great controversy” play out in your life? Do you ever feel tired of the fight and even tempted to give up as you continue to confront the evil one with his big bag of temptations? What is “great” about the controversy between Christ and Satan? “Great” as in wondrous or “great” as in huge? Which meaning applies to the war being waged by Satan against God and His people?
- More than one kind of rest. Why were the surrounding pagan religions unable to
deliver rest to God’s people? Some of us may sleep through the entire sermon on Sabbath. Is that the Sabbath rest God offers? Think of times in the experience of the children of Israel when there was rest and peace. Is the church you attend a haven of rest for you? If not, why not? How can you help to magnify the restful peace of Sabbath worship where you are?
- Planting and harvesting. What message does the parable of the sower have for our gospel ministry today? Why do you and I need to be involved in planting and harvesting when we have such powerful media programs available around the globe 24 hours a day? How can we have an influence on the growth of seed that is sown by others? Is there work to be done by us in sowing seed? But then, since some types of people are more receptive to the gospel than others, why do we need to sow the seed everywhere?
- Building on rock. Two beautiful homes. One is lacking a strong foundation, the other was built on the strongest materials available and crafted by experts for maximum strength and security. Does that illustration fit the description of members of God’s family today? How can you and I be confident that we have a solid foundation for our beliefs? What are some tools God gives us to help us build our Christian lives on a strong basis? Can we use those tools to witness to others?
- Don’t judge. We love to pass judgment on others, don’t we? If you doubt that, listen for bits of conversation that begin…”Well, I’ve heard that X has loose morals” or “I’d expect that kind of a reaction from a person like X” or “I can’t believe it, coming from X.” How easy is it to pass judgment on another person’s morals? What’s wrong with such a practice? When we judge someone else, who has the bigger fault–the judger or the judged? Can we safely judge a person’s actions without judging the person?
- With you always. Is it comforting to you to know that God is with you wherever you go as long as you are breathing? How does worshiping a God who eternally dwells with us make it possible for us to tell others about His love? Some people are discouraged about the long time that has gone by before the Second Coming. Are you? Should knowing that God is with us no matter what bring courage to our hearts?

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