7: Overcoming Sin – Discussion Starters
- Overcoming sin. Have you succeeded in overcoming sin? If you don’t think you have, why worry? Aren’t we saved by grace and not by our works? Did Paul reject the doctrine of sanctification in favor of salvation by grace? What is the difference between being dedicated to God and being sanctified?
- Where sin abounded… Have you ever had a conversation with someone who
thought his or her sins were too great to be forgiven? What comfort can you offer to such a person? When you are immersed in water at the time of your baptism, what is represented as being buried? Since the “old man of sin” has been destroyed, can you ever sin again? If sin remains in us, for how long will it endure?
- When sin reigns. What royal function does Paul ascribe to the sin remaining in us? Do you ever feel that sin reigns supreme in your heart? What has God given you that you can use to remove sin from your life? Since you are living under grace when you give yourself to God, will you ever sin again? Can you see areas of your life that have changed because of Christ in you? Is there still work to be done?
- Sin or obedience? Paul presents the concept of choosing sin or obedience in Romans 6:16. Why does he draw such a sharp line between sin or obedience? Do you have a choice about which you will serve only when you are baptized but not when “real life” takes over again? Have you ever had someone declare that there is only one law, the law of love, and commandments, rules, and so forth don’t matter? How do you respond to a person with such a perspective?
- Free from sin. How wonderful is it to know through and through that you have been made holy and free from sin? How disappointing is it to admit that you still stumble and sin from time to time? (or more often?) How does Paul’s illustration of the two masters help people like you and me choose righteousness rather than sin? Explain how easy it is for us to try to earn our salvation and the consequences of such an attempt. How can Jesus keep us free from such an approach?

It's important to to understand how Paul parallels baptism,death to sin and resurrection with Christ. Is it possible in any way that baptism removes sin? Is it a requirement to justification or the effect of justification? Or is it a step to overcoming sin?