7: The Seven Trumpets – Singing With Inspiration
Our lesson title this week give us the first hymn:
“Lift Up the Trumpet” – Hymn 213 (also known as “Jesus Is Coming Again”)
As we commence the Sabbath afternoon study, the question in Rev 6:10 goes up, “How Long, O Lord?” We have this in:
Hymn 204, “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” and
Hymn 217, “The Church Has Waited Long”.
Having just completed the 10 Days of Prayer, this theme is studied on Sunday:
Hymn 658, “Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer” and
Hymn 684, “Hear Our Prayer, O Lord”. Other beautiful hymns about prayer are:
Hymn 478, “Sweet Hour of Prayer”,
Hymn 501, “Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer” and
Hymn 505, “I Need the Prayers”.
There are many meanings of the Trumpets on Monday. One of these is in
Hymn 614, “Sound the Battle Cry”. Another is
Hymn 605, “My Soul, Be on Thy Guard” and
Hymn 612, “Onward, Christian Soldiers!”
Rev 14:6, 7 (Wednesday) says
“Go, Preach My Gospel”, Hymn 378.
The story of preaching unfolds in
Hymn 354, “Thy Love, O God”.
May we all remain faithful for Jesus’ very soon return knowing
“Tis Almost Time for the Lord to Come” – Hymn 212.
“Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.” 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV