8 The Jerusalem Council – Discussion Starters
- What group of early Christians arrived on the scene in Antioch and caused immediate problems in the early church? Where did they come from? Were they circumcised or not? Do you think they were just Pharisees who accepted Christ or did they have some other religious background as well? True or false: Paul, being the strong church leader he was, did everything he could to reconcile all Christians, including the “Judaizers” to accept Jewish requirements such as circumcision.
- Circumcision. What role did the rite of circumcision have in the early Christian
church? Was there anything wrong with not accepting this ritual as part of being a Christian? How serious was it for early Christians to insist on circumcision as part of the process of being a Christian? Does our church today emphasize in any way the rite of circumcision? Why or why not?
- The right church. Aren’t you glad you belong to the “right” church? Doesn’t that type of membership guarantee you a place in heaven? If not, then what is the point of belonging to a church you believe is “right”?
- Do works matter? If works don’t matter in salvation, then all of us are free to act as we wish. Is that a valid statement? Explain why it was bad theology for Antioch Christians and others to rely on circumcision as a factor in providing salvation. Or was it?
- The debate. What was Peter’s point in stating so boldly that Jewish traditions were not directly related to salvation? Or is that what he meant?
- President James. Do you see the apostle James as the key leader (president, administrator) of the early Christian church? If so, why? Why didn’t James seem to have a problem accepting Gentiles into full membership of the church? Do we ever face circumstances in which we question the wisdom of accepting certain people into our church? Are you sure?
- The Gentiles’ prohibitions. Make a quick list of the four things Gentiles were required to accept as key doctrines before they could become Christians. Were these prohibitions temporary or permanent? Explain.
- Paganism banned. How common was paganism in the days when Peter and Paul and Barnabas were working to establish the Christian church? Is the Sabbath a ceremonial law? How would you explain the validity of Sabbath keeping to a Christian who observes Sunday?
- Early Christian document. Imagine an official document being written to describe exactly what had been decided by church leaders. What did that document include? Who were the members of the contingency of believers that went to Antioch? What did they confirm regarding the Jerusalem church?
- Discrimination vanished. Aren’t you glad that these discussions and meetings ended all racial and other types of discrimination within the early Christian church? They didn’t? How much time and energy does your local church spend making all visitors feel welcome and a part of the Christian faith? What could your church be doing in addition to what it is doing now to assure that others are welcome in our fellowship?
The above questions are offered to help Sabbath school teachers motivate class members to come up with ideas and thoughts for all to share.

3. The right church. Many years ago I lived in Florida. After I had been in the churh there for a few years a couple came down from the North who had become Seventh-day-Adventist about 10 years before thy moved to Florida. Since I did not know them before, I assumed they had been members all of their life because of fine christians they were, delightfuly so. One Sabbath in Sabbath School decussion husband stood and gave us a testimony, I dont' remember what prompted him, I was so impressed, joyful and filled with delight,I never forgot what he said. "My wife and I went to 27 churches when we were searching, and we found only one true church that has all the truth that is why we are here worshiping here with you this Sabbath day and every Sabbath day. As far as I know they remainded faithfully involved in going about the Masters business, always encourageing, supporting, and loving.
6. I would say James learned early on to practice what he preached. James 3:17-18. "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."
John,That must have been a substantial endeavor to look for the "right" church. Because we do not know the heart of others, I can only assume that the Holy Spirit was the guide in this case. For us to be that selective is quite unusual. Most church attending families grow up with the same church that has been "their " church for all their lives. Maybe an occasional change will occur. I am an octogenarian Seventh Day Adventist. There are difference of opinions in many congregations. I see this on a regular basis.