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Biblical Preventions for Pride and Narcissism — 3 Comments

  1. As I was reading your helpful preventions of pride and narcissism I looked up the signs and symptoms of narcissism. We all have some of these. Then I thumbed down your article and found you have so meticulously listed and explained them. I have listed them anyway. I really appreciate you also giving the biblical solution for each. I will copy this article and disseminate it without personal or corporate monetary gain with your permission. I say monetary because there is tremendous personal and corporate spiritual gain that is free. Thank-you William. I will leave out the Good salt picture unless I get permission from Review and Herald Publishing/GoodSalt.
    Sensitivity to criticism.
    Passive aggression.
    Other mental health issues.
    Long-held grudges.

    • John of course you can use this article. All articles(save the artwork as you have noted) on Sabbath School Net is free for use. All we ask, like any other website is that you credit the source. By the way crediting the source is not a pride issue it is an integrity issue for several reasons. When someone uses our writings without crediting us then it can look like we are copying them. Thank you!

  2. I am working on a study of abuse in the Bible. I’ve seen the list of signs of a narcissist before and have some of these examples already marked but you have added to my resources and I thank you.
    Some of them have caused me to pause and consider things on different layers.


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