Do You Know the Shepherd?
That evening the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves.” But Jesus said, “That isn’t necessary—you feed them.” Matthew 14:15-16 NLT
The disciples realized the crowd needed food, but they were not equipped to feed a large crowd, or so they thought. So they decided the crowd should be sent to the villages where there were markets and restaurants. Those people were trained and equipped to feed a large crowd. Imagine the disciples’ surprise and maybe even frustration when Jesus said they did not need to go to the villages and “professionals” to get fed. He told them to feed the crowd.
Have you ever met someone with whom you wanted to share Jesus and you called a pastor or elder to study with them? Maybe that wasn’t necessary. Maybe Jesus wanted you to feed them spiritually. Sometimes we may feel we are not “professional” enough to feed someone spiritually. I am sure the disciples did not feel “professional” enough to feed the crowd. Still, Jesus equipped them to feed a crowd. If you are willing, Jesus can use you to spiritually feed a large crowd, just as well as He can use a “professional.”
Remember the story of Balaam in Numbers 22? Yes the story was about Balaam’s reward for greed, but there is something else in this story too. God used a donkey to speak to Balaam. If God can speak through a donkey don’t you think He can speak through you too?
God’s messengers must tarry long with Him, if they would have success in their work. The story is told of an old Lancashire woman who was listening to the reasons that her neighbors gave for their minister’s success. They spoke of his gifts, of his style of address, of his manners. “Nay,” said the old woman, “I will tell you what it is. Your man is very thick with the Almighty.” When men are as devoted as Elijah was and possess the faith that he had, God will reveal Himself as He did then. When men plead with the Lord as did Jacob, the results that were seen then will again be seen. Power will come from God in answer to the prayer of faith. -Ellen White, Gospel Workers, Page 255
In a story of a pastor celebrating his 50th year in the ministry, he invited a good friend and famous orator to read Psalm 23.
The friend agreed so long as the pastor would read it afterwards as well. The friend, a famous orator, read the psalm with such oratorical mastery that the congregation applauded. The pastor then approached the podium, feeling that he had been outdone. However when he read the beloved Psalm, the congregation was moved to tears. When the pastor asked the famous orator why people wept after his humble reading of the Word, the orator replied, “I know the psalm. You know the Shepherd.”
The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures. They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 NLT
The council members failed to realize that being with Jesus was the highest training available in this universe! Do you know the Shepherd? Do people recognize that you have been with Jesus? Then God can speak through you too, so you can feed others with the Bread of Life.