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Does the Bible Teach About a Secret Rapture? — 14 Comments

    • Oh my goodness. You just changed the way I've been viewing the rapture. I thought the taken are the ones saved but it's the left who are saved! God bless

  1. I love to read your articles, but I have noticed some discrepancies this time. In SDA Bible Commentary, "shall be taken" in Matthew 24:40, in Greek, paralambano, meaning literally, "to take to oneself", used in the papyri of receiving to oneself articles that belong to him. "Paralambano" (with an accent on "o"), is used of Jesus taking Peter, John, and James and with them ascending the mount of transfiguration. In Col. 4:17, it is used of a Christian minister's receiving the gospel commission. In John 14:3, "paralambano" is used of Jesus receiving to Himself the waiting disciples.
    By contrast, "took" in Matthew 24:39 is from "airo" (with an accent on "o"), meaning "to carry off" or "to remove". The "one" of v. 40 is "taken" by the angles as they "gather" the "elect" (see on v. 31). (some lines skipped)
    What Jesus meant by being "taken" and by being
    "left" is made clear by the context. Those who are left are the evil servants, who instead of continuing their normal pursuits after a supposed secret rapture, are cut asunder and assigned their portion with the hypocrites (see vs. 48-51). This is what I found for reference.

    • Takae, thank you for your comment and kind words. I am glad you are blessed by what I write, while it is still very likely that I make mistakes sometimes. At the same time we cannot just automatically assume the SDA Bible Commentaries are right either. Please read what the writers of the SDA Bible Commentaries wrote themselves,

      "For such errors as may appear in these volumes we plead not only the indulgence of the reader but also his [or her] cooperation, so that future printings may come ever near to perfection. -Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 1 Page 17.

      and also,

      This commentary is published with no thought of presenting a creed or determining for all time the denominational interpretation of any passage of Scripture. Neither the contributors nor the editors possess either the power or the desire to do so. Let this fact be clearly understood at the outset. -Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Volume 1 Page 18.

      While the SDA Bible commentaries are definitely helpful they are not the standard that we test or prove our beliefs with or against. Of course neither is anything I write automatically correct either. That is why we keep studying the Word of God and letting the Holy Spirit lead. I did check the SDA Bible Commentaries to see if the phrase "took them all away" in verse 39 regarding the wicked in Noah's time had the same meaning as when used in verses 40 and 41. The SDA Bible Commentaries had no information on how the word was used in verse 39 compared to verses 40 and 41, And I think that would be helpful.

      Either way as the Commentaries point out even if it is the righteous who are taken to heaven it still is no secret as the context of Matthew 24 is all about the widely visible second coming and not a secret rapture.

      Meanwhile on a different note, According to 2 Timothy 3:16 we must use Scripture when correcting people and not the notes in the Bible commentaries, as helpful or insightful as they may be. Of course the commentaries are written by several well educated people who know a lot more than me, so we shall keep studying with an open mind. It also seems to me that Luke 17 is consistent with my current understanding of Matthew 24. At the same time your observations are noteworthy so we shall continue studying with an open mind. Thank you again for your thoughts and kind words.

      • Thank you, William, for an excellent article and explanation. I too have been inclined to see the "taken" ones as the wicked who are taken away by the calamity that Christ's second coming would be for them. However, Takae's remarks have made me curious enough to check the question out for myself.

        I find that "airo" is not always used in the negative sense of removal. It is used to describe picking up the leftover loaves and fish, picking up the dead Eutychus, and picking up the skiff in Acts 27 -- all of which are cases of picking things (or people) up for their preservation. So this word has a very broad range of applications.

        On the other hand, "paralambano" seems always to refer to either receiving a doctrine, a kingdom, a person, etc. or bringing a person or group to a place where you yourself are going, such as Satan bringing Jesus to the top of the temple, for instance.

        Since I am, of course, no linguistic expert, the passive voice used in the "one will be taken, and the other left" statements creates a bit of uncertainty in my mind. However, it seems likely that it must be an actual person who is bringing the "taken" ones to a place where he himself is going. This would support the suggestion that the righteous are the ones "taken" to heaven, while the wicked are left to their destruction.

        Nevertheless, as you have pointed out, this question is not critical to the truth that this separation of the two classes is carried out in a most visible, audible, and catastrophic fashion, according to the immediate context and the rest of Scripture.

    • Yes, the explanation of the discussion regarding what is to be taken is contrary to What I know as the belief of the SDA Church. Here in this discussion, it was told that those that are taken are the wicked for their destruction and those that are left behind are the righteous to inherit the earth. Looks like the writer or the discusser is from Jehovah's Witnesses congregation. I hope this will be corrected.

  2. Thank you Pastor William, because as I have always pictured this, it was the lost who were left, but it clearly does say, just as in the days of Noah the lost were taken away. And so we must let the Bible explain it self. Even if it is the saved that are taken from this world, they were not taken from the presence of Christ with the loss of life.

    • Indeed, Richard, the "taking" of the redeemed is described in detail in I Thessalonians 4. At the glorious return of Christ, they are caught up (literally raptured) with the risen saints to meet the Lord in the air, and thus to always be with Him! It's no secret affair, and they never die.

  3. Thank you for sharing again. However, I find the first part of your discourse re Matthew 13 somewhat confusing. Why would God remove the wicked at this time? At Christ's coming, the wicked who are alive will be slain and will not live again until the thousand years are ended. The only rapture, which is by no means secret, will take place here when the righteous are taken up in the air to be with the Lord.
    My understanding is that what Jesus said in Matthew is summarized in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17.

    May God enlighten us as we study his words.

  4. All of us have different understanding and reception of the post, but hey family, with or without bible commentary, let's not forget what is said in Daniel 12:4 ''knowledge shall increase''. Day by day, God gives us light that we can contain.

  5. “The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (2 Peter 3:10)

    “In the day of the Lord, just before the coming of Christ, God will send lightnings from Heaven in His wrath, which will unite with fire in the earth. The mountains will burn like a furnace, and will pour forth terrible streams of lava, destroying gardens and fields, villages and cities; and as they pour their melted ore, rocks and heated mud into the rivers, will cause them to boil like a pot, and send forth massive rocks and scatter their broken fragments upon the land with indescribable violence. Whole rivers will be dried up. The earth will be convulsed, and there will be dreadful eruptions and earthquakes everywhere. God will plague the wicked inhabitants of the earth until they are destroyed from off it.” (Spiritual Gifts, Volume 3, page 82, paragraph 3)

    “Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” (Matthew 24:41)

    “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

    I agree with the Sabbath School lesson. When two or more shall be standing together, the wicked shall be taken by fire and the righteous shall be left. Then the righteous shall be taken into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.


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