HomeDailySunday: Evangelism Is . . . ?    


Sunday: Evangelism Is . . . ? — 4 Comments

  1. "The goal is for us to use that knowledge for good, and in this context the greatest good is to give those who face eternal destruction the opportunity for eternal life" from the lesson introduction reminds me of my purpose. I wish for all my friends and family to be saved with me. I pray that God gives me the strength and power this quarter to evangelize those I know and love.

  2. Roxanne: I will be praying for God to give you all the knowledge, and wisdom that you need to get all the people, that you wish, or that you witness to. Please pray for me also.
    May God Bless you richly in your endeavors.
    Sincerely George H. Lynn

  3. We must always remember that human power even to the highest level of it is useless if not guided by the Holy Spirit. We cannot boast to ourselves that we are greater than others because we have great talent to be used on evangelizing and witnessing. Because evangelizing and witnessing is not a work of man alone, it is only the participation of man using His/Her talent given by God. God uses ordinary people. Ordinary people who are true to themselves, letting God direct their path, using their human power on glorifying God, recognizing their nothingness without God, and accepting the truth that they are sinful in nature that need the transforming power of God to cleanse their heart and minds so that they become worthy to be used by God.

  4. We must know that being a Christian is dying to self and once self is out of the picture effective witnessing and evangelism will be done. We need to pray daily for humility as once we are humble and not boastful with our talents and what we can do the Holy Spirit will have its own sweet way.

    Let's keep praying for each other that we be filled with the Holy Spirit and His power that effective witnessing can be done so as to hasten the coming of our Lord and savior.



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