Wednesday: Examples of Victory
So far we have been shown by the Bible the hope and promises of victory that the Christian may have.

Image © Bill Osborne from
Actually beyond these, we have real examples of Christian victories over evil forces recorded in the Bible. We begin with the example of the ministry of the early disciples whom Jesus sent out.
Read Matthew 10:1-8; Mark 6:7,12-13; Luke 9:1-2; Luke 10:1-20. Look at what these people were commissioned to do. How are these texts to be understood in the context of the great controversy? Also, what do these texts say today to us who are called to preach to the world about Jesus?
It is quite interesting that, as Jesus sent the twelve out to proclaim the gospel of the coming of God’s kingdom, He deemed it important to give them power over demons and unclean spirits. This is not surprising, because proper preaching of the gospel necessarily entails the unmasking of such powers. The manifestation of the “powers” was to be expected as the gospel would be proclaimed, hence the need to give the twelve power over them. Surely, the evil forces manifested themselves as the twelve went about preaching, and, just as surely, many demons and evil forces were cast out.
As far as can be seen from the records, Jesus did not, in specific terms, commission the seventy to cast out demons. See Luke 10:9. Yet, this is the aspect of the mission that seems to have excited the seventy the most (Luke 10:17). With joy the seventy reported that as they went about preaching the gospel of the kingdom, demons were brought into subjection to them. Of course, they understood that it was the power of Jesus working through them that made this possible.
Though much can be discussed and debated about these texts and the way in which they should be understood today, the important point is that, as Christians, who have been called to proclaim the gospel to the world, we have, through Christ, the power to do it.
Read Luke 10:20. What important point should we take for ourselves from Jesus’ words here. How does His response show us what should be important in our lives? How can we make sure that we keep this correct emphasis?

The hope of the Christian, my hope as well, is that our names would be found written in the book of life. The evidence of the new life in Christ, the lives changed because as Christians, the Word of God is spoken, empowered by the attending Spirit of God, because of the physical and spiritual evidence, the fruit if you will, from the branch attached to the vine, we would be thankful that our names would be found in the book of life but, not because of anything we did, save the decision to die to self, save the Cross of Calvary, but because God would be glorified and that His purpose, is the only purpose, that all would know Jesus because, He lives within us. My life and His influence through that life, is a testimony, is an example of victory and so is yours...
Our main aim in this sinful world is to make it to heaven.just by trusting Jesus,obeying and loving God and He will give us power over demo
ns and satan.i always pray for divine strength from Our Father.
THAT is powerfull also the Lord in the book of acts did the imposible and now He can still do them.
Mrs. Boateng, I would like to encourage you to aim higher. Instead of aiming merely to "make it to heaven," aim to bring your friends and neighbors to heaven with you.
Christ gives power for the specific purpose of proclaiming the gospel to those around us. If we are not doing the job He gave us, we don't need the power, and He won't give us any. And if we are not doing the job He gave us, it is very likely that we will not grow spiritually but shrivel up and die instead.
I thank to the Lord for this clear lessons that unmask who is behind all our troubles and what negative influence he makes on us , special on children's and young: that are believers
But for them is so difficult to realize that the power of darkness fill their mind with all sort of wrong thoughts so they suffer and can not understand that the evil is making all the negative fantasy.
We need to pray every moment for those children who suffer a lot with those problems of lack of understanding about this sad reality, may our Jesus Christ to send upon all of His Spirit so we can identify our necessities.
Esther From Puerto Rico.
Indeed, this is true, many churches today have concentrated on casting out spirits to the effect that they have forgotten to preach repentance as th kingdom of God is come nigh unto us. Rev. 13:13-14
IT is very important that as christians we not only strive for the power to do miracles , but we will strive for the power to over come sins, so that our names will be in Gods book of life.
When we are in Christ we will know exactly when to exercise the power and preach the Gospel (repentance). They go together. It's not either or. We err when you do not appreciate this. Christ sent them to preach the gospel but He gave them the power over demons and evil spirit because when you preach the gospel you are at war. We need to claim the power that is ours in Christ Jesus. Brethren we need to know that those that are with us are more than those against us.....
Through Christ we will be able to conquer all.