Thursday: Examples of Victory (Book of Acts)
The examples of victories over demonic forces that we looked at in yesterday’s lesson happened in the days of our Lord on the earth.
But the victories were by no means restricted to that period. In the book of Acts we find the continuing victories of Jesus’ followers over demonic forces.
Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising, not with all the promises that Jesus left to His followers about the Holy Spirit being with them when He Himself had left (see, for example, John 14:16).
At the same time, too, as we so well know, the great controversy between Christ and Satan, though settled finally at the cross, is to rage until the end of time. Thus, Christ’s followers, even after He left, were to be engaged in the conflict, especially as they sought to fulfill the gospel commission.
Read the following examples of some of these victories over evil forces. What lesson can we learn from them for ourselves in our present context of outreach and witness? Acts 5:12-16
Acts 16:16-18 presents an unusual case. When the slave girl mentioned “the Most High God,” her words expressed a great truth. Paul, though, would have none of it. He could see what was really going on. The supernatural powers that she had manifested, which were making money for her masters, were not of the Lord, and Paul knew it. When she cried out about these men being “servants of the Most High God” (NKJV), she was not talking about the true God but, most likely, about a Canaanite god who was also called Elyon (Most High). Notice how easily, merely through the use of certain common terms, error could have greatly compromised the truth.
Look again at Acts 5:12-16, and that amazing part about the people hoping that “at least the shadow of Peter”(NKJV) might touch them. What warnings should that have for any Christian who is working for the Lord, especially when their work is deemed “successful”?

I worry that people may start to hero worship individuals if they notice success in their requests, than honouring our Lord Jesus who conquered at Calvary.
This is a strong reason to pray for our leaders, daily.
It is true what you have mentionned my beloved and it is so amazing seeing how God was still working through his disciples after he left. So if we truly trust in Him wonders will be with us as will are trying to reach all the nations about the good news of the gospel. let us pray, study His word, and humble ourselfs before The Almigthy.
As workers for the Lord we should be careful of taking spiritual successes as our own. Notice how Peter turned the people to Jesus and away from himself.
Oh what power God wants to bestow upon us who shall remain faithful to His purposes. In these our times there ought to be Peters in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, who not only will have a positive influence on other people but also allowing God to exalt himself through us. May God help us to be better ambassadors for him...
The faithful believer, who appropriates the righteousness of Christ through faith, will not be distracted by the 'success' of good fruitful works, but recognize that God's will is manifested in the Power of God's Spirit as it attends the 'examples of victory' from day to day. Whether that victory is in miracles performed in the name of Jesus or in the every day life in sanctification of character. This Power in the life will manifest itself as the will of the Father expressed by the release of the binding chains of sin, the despair of physical torture by the devil or mental anguish of lost hope. As the believer continues to sanctify the character, the Spirit of God will continue to empower the Word spoken, the dynamic actions made evident and the assurance in the Hope of Salvation. Being ever mindful of the presence of God, we would be humble in that Presence...
In Acts 5:13, we see something that may have frustrated and saddened the apostles, "none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly." How close some were to receiving salvation! but "Almost but not wholly saved means to be not almost but wholly lost" (Christ's Object Lessons, page 118). Perhaps some joined later, but the longer we delay, the easier it is to delay longer yet.