Following Jesus in Everyday Life – Hit the Mark
“And the apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith.” Luke 17:5
I still have the keepsake my father gave me as a teen. It’s a mustard seed encased in glass. This trinket obviously symbolizes the power of small faith doing big things. In various ways over the years I have seen this same symbolism shared as an encouragement to keep believing, keep fighting and keep dreaming.
We usually encourage each other by quoting, “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed.” That can be an encouraging thought. Unfortunately, that’s not what Jesus said. I know someone is positive the Bible says those exact words. I know I once did. But here is what the Bible actually quotes Jesus as saying.
“And the Lord said, lf ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed.” Luke 17:6
Although some translations may include the word size, the Greek for this is accurately “faith as,” “faith like” a grain of mustard seed. And that changes everything.
It was puzzling to me why on one hand Jesus would encourage small faith but then on other occasions rebuke His disciples for their little faith. Perhaps the most famous times we hear this happening was the day Peter actually walked on water.
After reading and hearing this story countless times, it is still hard to really grasp the significance of the events that day. The disciples found themselves in the dark, in the middle of the sea and in the middle of a violent storm. As they struggled to keep afloat they noticed a figure walking towards them. Someone was actually walking on top of the water! To these hardened men this could be nothing other than an omen of death and these strong men screamed out in terror.
But then the voice of Jesus was heard telling them to be of good cheer and to not be afraid. Let that sink in a minute to you. His instructions to them at the height of their panic was to have a mindset of cheer and an absence of fear (someone needs that lesson today).
Peter, in his normal exuberance asked Jesus to allow him to walk on the water as well. I have to give some credit to Peter because I don’t know that I would have had the audacity to even ask such a thing. But even now we see a lesson in faith unfolding.
Peter asked Jesus for permission to do the impossible. He did not take it upon himself to step out onto the water. He knew that if Jesus gave the okay, he could do it.
“And he said, Come.” Matthew 14:29
We know how that story ended. The miraculous walking on water by Peter was interrupted by the biggest impediment to success – himself. It’s not hard for me to picture Peter, in his amazement at what he was doing, taking his eyes off Jesus and glancing back at his companions. But that was exactly where the danger lay.
Now with his eyes off of his Saviour, the waves were threatening, his buoyancy was evaporating, and Peter began to sink. Could it be that the greatest moment of his life would be turned into the epitaph on his grave?
Crying out to the only One who could help, Peter is caught by the hand of Jesus. All is now well, but the lesson is not yet complete. Jesus looks at his bewildered disciple and asked the question that has echoed down through the centuries.
O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? Matthew 14:31
All of us have to answer this question as we seek to walk with Christ. Our maturing as disciples is a process that is based not on the things that are seen. We all must walk by faith. And like the disciples our prayer must be Lord increase our faith. We need faith as a grain of mustard seed. Not small faith but a growing faith. I love the way Ellen White expounds on mustard seed faith in her book Desire of Ages.
Though the grain of mustard seed is so small, it contains that same mysterious life principle which produces growth in the loftiest tree. When the mustard seed is cast into the ground, the tiny germ lays hold of every element that God has provided for its nutriment, and it speedily develops a sturdy growth. If you have faith like this, you will lay hold upon God’s word, and upon all the helpful agencies He has appointed. Thus your faith will strengthen, and will bring to your aid the power of heaven. The obstacles that are piled by Satan across your path, though apparently as insurmountable as the eternal hills, shall disappear before the demand of faith. “Nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Desire of Ages, page 431
May we have mustard seed faith, not only to trust that God loves us and that He has our ultimate good in mind, but also to have the faith that will place our entire dependence on Him. Our reliance will not be on who we are or what we own or who we know. Our desire will be towards God alone.
Along with entire dependence we will also have complete dedication to His service. Our faith must see beyond the things of this world and our priorities must be realigned to make His service supreme in our lives. Our faith must lead us to seek first the kingdom of God.
Lord, Increase our faith.
Here are a few Hit the Mark questions for this week’s lesson discussion:
- What does “strong faith” mean to you?
- Is strong faith a spiritual gift given to some and not to all? Why yes or no?
- Is it possible to know if one’s faith is strong? Explain your answer.
- How would one with strong faith deal with difficult issues in life, such as sickness, financial difficulty or personal relationships?
- How would one with strong faith deal with controversial issues between believers?
- What, if any, is the difference in daily living for one who is following Jesus in everyday life compared to someone who is not?
- Is the following statement True, Mostly True, Somewhat True or Not True: The longer you faithfully follow Jesus the less you will need to rely on faith for everyday living. Explain your answer.
We close this week’s lesson on Following Jesus in Everyday Life with another exchange of Jesus with His disciples on this subject of faith:
“Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, why could not we cast him out?
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:19-20
Until next week, let’s all continue to Hit the Mark in Sabbath School!