Friday: Further Study: Christ, our Sacrifice
Further Study: “The Atonement, Part I—Atoning Sacrifice,” pp. 661-680, in Appendix C of The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7A.
What Martin Luther frequently called a “wonderful exchange” or “joyous exchange” of Christ’s righteousness for human sin, Ellen G. White describes in a classic statement as follows: “Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His. ‘With His stripes we are healed.’”—The Desire of Ages, p. 25.
“Nothing less than the death of Christ could make His love efficacious for us. It is only because of His death that we can look with joy to His second coming. His sacrifice is the center of our hope. Upon this we must fix our faith.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 660.
Discussion Questions:
- Some don’t like the idea of Jesus as our sacrifice. They think it makes God sound bloodthirsty or vengeful, like the pagan deities of the past. (In fact, some argue that the language of blood and sacrifice and so forth in the Bible is simply a reflection of these pagan concepts.) What is so dramatically wrong with this perception of the Cross? How do the concepts of death, sacrifice, and blood help to show us just how serious sin and its consequences are? How should this realization of the cost of sin help us to seek God’s power to put sin out of our lives?
- Some people struggle with the issue of works and how they relate to salvation. How can keeping before us Christ’s substitutionary death, and what He accomplished for us by that death, help to protect us from falling into the trap of salvation by works? After all, what could our works possibly add to what Christ has done for us by dying in our stead?
- Ellen G. White said it would be good to spend a thoughtful hour every day focusing on the life of Jesus, especially the closing scenes. How could such an exercise help to strengthen our relationship with Christ, as well as increase our appreciation of what He has done for us?

Indeed the lesson was inspiring.I also want to thank God for allowing his son Jesus to come an die in my place a shamful death as such.may his blood which he shed on the cross of calvary cleanse n purify me anew.....amen
I think the reason for what God wanted only blood to forgive sins was due the sin is so terrible and bad that deserve death. In order to raise sinners God required a living sacrifice and the living sacrifice needed to be unblemished, perfect, pure so the blood of the lamb symbolized the blood of Jesus which fit perfect the requirements of God.
On the other hand the pagans copy the sacrifice of God with a different approach. The idols required sacrifices as means of adoration not to forgive sins.
Over time, since the fall, God provided object lessons, examples, guidelines and experience to teach us about the blood and it's part in cleansing and healing us from spiritual illnesses. The depth and breath of the love of God required in giving Christ for our salvation. It will take more than eternity to just begin to learn of God's matchless loving care that provided such a sacrifice.
This whole idea of sacrifice, the cleansing blood, and the lamb won't make sense at all to those who's spiritual investment is in this world. I picture Christ, Who withheld nothing as He was being offered up. He didn't retreat for safety, dignity, comfort, or His reputation. His very physical body or personal needs He didn't place above His purpose in those real moments. He gave Himself up without defeating or taking revenge on His enemies, not even in subtle ways did He overpower them. Precious Lamb of God, sacrificed for the sins of the world!!
Lord, there's nothing too precious for me to withhold from You.