HomeDailyFriday: Further Thought ~ The Call to Stand    


Friday: Further Thought ~ The Call to Stand — 9 Comments

  1. I am back home again - safe and sound. I am pretty tired tonight after driving about 7 hours but I did take the time to do a paraphrase of the main passage of scripture this week.

    Finally, I want to encourage you all to be strong in your faith. Arm yourselves with God’s defence against the subtleties of Satan.

    I cannot emphasise enough that we are fighting not just against the visible presence of evil but against spiritual wickedness in those who want to control our minds in ways we do not even think about.

    God has given an armoury of defence for us that is equal to all the attacks of Satan so that you can overcome in his strength. Wear Kevlar pants of truth and the bullet proof vest of righteousness. And don’t forget to wear those boots that are tougher than nails – the Gospel of peace.

    Stand behind the radar defence of faith and you will be able to withstand those invisible darts from those who want to hurt you. Always wear the safety helmet of salvation – the one where the strap was invented by Jesus. And arm yourself with the spiritual AK-47 – the Word of God.

    Keep in touch using the UHF duplex compact radio of prayer. Note that it works both ways. And when you do engage in combat, watch out for your mates. We are all in the battle together.

    Onward - to the battle.

  2. But this peace will be gained only at the loss of Christ and heaven. We cannot accept peace on such conditions. Let it be war, war, to the end of earth's history, rather than peace through apostasy and sin." — EGW, The Review and Herald, May 8, 1888.

    Wow! We've been constantly talking about love and peace, and suddenly, we see ourselves facing this phrase. "Let it be war!" The message here is for me and you: may we do all we can to fight evil; let's not give up hope, let's be filled with the "guns of the Spirit," and get up and fight the good fight! The message here is for all tired because our final destination seems to linger! It isn't! Our final goal is today, together with the powers we cannot see, to be channels of a firing love, with the strength from above, to stand out against this degrading world path.

  3. I always enjoy reading Teacher Comments on Friday. If you would like to read them each week, here is where to find them.

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  4. I am left pondering last week's lesson, as I travelled through the UK and parts of Europe, this past month. Oh to be a slave/a servant of the true and living God (Romans 6:16)! Oh to be totally dependent on Him; yet, to be freely and hopelessly devoted to my master, in these tumultuous times!

    Hence, this week's comment: Let us persevere (stand strong Ephesians 6:10); let us pray without ceasing; and, let us claim the peace promised in Isaiah, as a result of being, "Taught of the Lord," dear friends of God.
    "Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue," says a well-known hymn. "Look ever to Jesus. He'll carry you through. "
    Says the refrain,
    "Ask the Saviour to help you,
    Comfort, strengthen, and keep you.
    He's willing to aid you.
    He'll carry you through."

    What a blessing to be kept and served by the Living God, with whom we can walk free into eternity!

  5. I appreciate greatly the study of Paul’s encouraging words from Eph.6:10-18, learning that each individual is called upon to be strong in the Lord and in His might. This clearly points out that we stand or fall depending on if we are found in Christ, resting in the assurance that the war has been won by our Lord and Savior already as He wore the same armor which we are admonished to put on.

    When applying the implements/aspects of this spiritual armor, we continue the Lord's battle which He fought whiles He was with us in the body. He showed us how to use the Father’s armor which will manifest and establish the spiritual supremacy of His Father’s Word to guide the life of man.
    By taking up, using the spiritual armor, it becomes the testimony to our faith. This by heaven designed spiritual armor is so unique and powerful that while we employ it, it will defeat the enemy’s attacks every time.

    It is most important to me to understand that my personal battle is about ‘not letting down my guard’ - maintaining my faithfulness, my commitment to remain living in Christ. Only then will I have access to the armor – the weapons of the Holy Spirit - to strengthen me.
    Placing ‘loving/knowing God and glorifying Him with/through/by our life’ at the highest point of importance in our Christian Faith, prepares us spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for this lifelong battle. Though our bodies are engaged, it is the power vested in God's armor which shields us against the weapons used by dark forces in the unseen world.

    Our personal battle is about deciding to wear God's spiritual armor continuously and so remain standing in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. We want to make sure at all times that it is complete. Neglecting this will leave an opening which the enemy of our Lord and Savior uses to his advantage.


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