Friday: Further Thought – Children of the Promise
Further Thought: Read Ellen G. White, “Later English Reformers”, pp. 261, 262, in The Great Controversy; “Faith and Works”, pp. 530, 531, in The SDA Encyclopedia; Ellen G. White Comments, pp. 1099, 1100, in The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 1.
“There is an election of individuals and a people, the only election found in the word of God, where man is elected to be saved. Many have looked at the end, thinking they were surely elected to have heavenly bliss; but this is not the election the Bible reveals. Man is elected to work out his own salvation with fear and trembling. He is elected to put on the armor, to fight the good fight of faith. He is elected to use the means God has placed within his reach to war against every unholy lust, while Satan is playing the game of life for his soul. He is elected to watch unto prayer, to search the Scriptures, and to avoid entering into temptation. He is elected to have faith continually. He is elected to be obedient to every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, that he may be, not a hearer only, but a doer of the word. This is Bible election.” – Ellen G. White, Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, pp. 453, 454.
“No finite mind can fully comprehend the character or the works of the Infinite One. We cannot by searching find out God. To minds the strongest and most highly cultured, as well as to the weakest and most ignorant, that holy Being must remain clothed in mystery. But though ‘clouds and darkness are round about Him: righteousness and judgment are the foundation of His throne.’ Psalm 97:2, R.V. We can so far comprehend His dealing with us as to discern boundless mercy united to infinite power. We can understand as much of His purposes as we are capable of comprehending; beyond this we may still trust the hand that is omnipotent, the heart that is full of love.” – Ellen G. White, Education, p. 169.
Discussion Questions:

O thank God that He has given me evidence to believe, enough evidence to put my faith and trust in Him. I don't need him to parade His military might up and down main street. I fully trust His evidence with prayer and meditation on His word. I can understand as much of His purposes as it is for my good to know; and beyond this I still trust The Hand that is with unlimited power, the heart that is full of love. Satan is trying his best to intercept my winning touch down, but I keep my eye on Christ, with a firm grip on Him, I appropriate(allow) His merits, my remedy for sin.
I'd say that someday our thoughts may come true! I've seen a friend this week, who happened to say for years while working in a company that "sooner or later we will be fired, thus we need to be prepared"! After 17 years, this came true for him this week, and when I confronted him with this saying, he added that He was going to be said for a while!
How much thought we place in Jesus and on our meeting? How are we going to react when we see Him? Are we going to miss anything?
We have so example and yet we are conducting ourselves worst than the children of isreal.God have given Jesus Christ as our example and if we keep our eyes upon him every day we will never fall.2-peter 2 vs 9&10
Someone once said that God can see our future, but it's our choice to fulfill it one way or another.