Friday: Further Thought ~ A Community of Servants
Further Thought:
Read Ellen G. White, “A Faithful Witness”, pages 546-556, in The Acts of the Apostles; “Kindness the Key to Hearts”, pages 81-86, in Welfare Ministry.
“The work which the disciples did, we also are to do. Every Christian is to be a missionary. In sympathy and compassion we are to minister to those in need of help, seeking with unselfish earnestness to lighten the woes of suffering humanity …
We are to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and comfort the suffering and afflicted. We are to minister to the despairing, and to inspire hope in the hopeless.
The love of Christ, manifested in unselfish ministry, will be more effective in reforming the evildoer than will the sword or the court of justice … Often the heart that hardens under reproof will melt under the love of Christ”. – Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, pages 104, 106.
“Slavery, the caste system, unjust racial prejudices, the oppression of the poor, the neglect of the unfortunate—these all are set forth as unchristian and a serious menace to the well-being of the human race, and as evils which the church of Christ is appointed by her Lord to overthrow”. – General Conference president A. G. Daniells, speaking of the work of Ellen G. White at her funeral, Life Sketches of Ellen G. White, p. 473.
Discussion Questions:
Yes, as Christians, we are called to minster to the needs of others, especially others who are hurting, suffering, and oppressed. And though we have our individual responsibilities in this area, as a community focused on ministering to others, we can be much more effective working together as a church family.

My travel program has made it difficult to comment this week and consequently I have had to be very economical with my words.
I think the lessons this quarter have emphasised the practical side of the Gospel. I know that this has made some folk uncomfortable and there have been rumblings of “salvation by works” and “social gospel” in the background. The gospels however, are more about Jesus interacting with the poor and needy than doctrinal dissertation. In simple terms, Jesus went about doing good.
It is worth reading again the judgement scene that was the inspiration for this set of lessons.
How we care for one another is important.
We must always remember that we are wittiness’ for Christ. That we are showing His character, so we must present Him truly. “We are to be continually laboring together with Christ, seeking to turn the darkness of benighted (pitiful or contemptible) souls into day. By our words, by our actions, we are to let heaven’s light shine upon them, and do nothing that will cut off one ray of the light of Christ, who is the light of every man who comes into the world.” (Sabbath School Lesson Comments by Ellen White, 3rd Q 2019, Friday, 9/27). As Christians, we are all responsibility to work together with Jesus for all people, this is our duty to glorify God’s name.
A Community of Servants - 3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves. 4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. What a community it would be?
Agents of Change - When we join Christ, we join a radical movement which is contradictory to the world. Our citizenship is in heaven; therefore, we are ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom.
A Servant Remnant - Remnant is one who reflect original character of Christ because the stalk is from the original.
Reaching Souls - Jesus fed the five thousand. When they were fed, He told them I am the bread of life. Many left him. Do not be discouraged. Matthew 7:14
Grace Within the Church - "If we can’t treat those among us with fairness and dignity, how are we going to do that with others, as well?" Lesson Author
Encourage Each Other to Good Works - It takes intentional mental work to encourage each other because it is contradictory to our nature.
Jesus called us to make disciples not members of denomination. However, church organization is an integral part in adding strength to discipleship.
"Byungeun Oh, a taxi driver in rural South Korea, had never led anyone to Christ after years in church, and he decided to change that."
“Reduce your work so you can do God’s work”, he said. “Simplify your life, and then fill it with the joy of meeting souls”.
I once had a prayer request, there are many people who visit our church, I am not sure who they are and what they're background is my prayer is they would come to have a relationship with Christ.
May God bless us as we create a community that is out of this world. Amen
The power of the Holy Spirit to bright even human who is willing under his control.
The writings of EGW though rejected by some still stand and make sense if understood in its context. I am so pleased the author this quarter quoted many of her writings. But what does it mean to me if I read them but do not understand what she is saying ??
Friday lesson- Every Christian is to be a missionary. Does missionaries means leaving one’s country to work in another? We are told the greatest missionary work is in the home, then church, then community. Many times people neglect/forget their homes as a mission field. The Bible says a man who does not take care of him family is worst than an infidel( not only with money but in totally).
The fourth para- Slavery, the cast system, unjust racial prejudice......etc should be condemned more readily and openly by the SDA Church. Was just reading EG writings entitled Scandinavia, to Australian (Sanitarium Announcement) To the people in the USA south “ The Southern Mission” when the church started a lot of areas were neglected. Do we still see lg areas still neglected even today. Are there still great disparities between churches in our countries? Unions? missions?
Christ says the poor will always be with us until he returns.