HomeDailyFriday: Further Thought – Cosmic Controversy    


Friday: Further Thought – Cosmic Controversy — 7 Comments

  1. "The high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity," whose "ways are everlasting," changeth not. With Him "is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
    In this great controversy there is an absolute which is found only in Christ.
    He is the same yesterday, today and forever more.
    We can anchor our faith in Him.
    He alone is worthy to be praised and honored.

  2. I really got to the point where loyalty of love has never been so important. I say this to myself. How can I express love to Christ while cherishing pleasures that are not healthy to this relationship? Do I really love Christ? Or I just say I do. If I really love Christ I'll try my best not to let Him down! And If I do this with Him, I must do the same towards my family, starting with my wife and daughter! Love that is real! I really hope this can change my view! We are living a time in history we cannot afford to waste a moment in the company of our Maker!

    • Your thoughts resonate with me. Thank you for bringing out, particularly, if I love Christ, i’ll try my best not to let Him down and carrying that forward to our very real, every day relationships with our family and all we come in contact with.

      This can be exceptionally challenging at times as self is always at the forefront vying for first place. How sobering to reflect on just how important it is to surrender our competing will completely to Him Who is able to effect a mind altering change in us.

      Humility is paramount in our exchange with God and must not be underestimated.

  3. Actually I am blessed a lot. What I can say regarding this week's lesson is that, sin can take part anywhere in this world if and only if the human race will abandon the Powerful omnipotent God. what's important is just to cling to Jesus who emphatically He has defeated the Devil who is our foe.

  4. It is still a mystery, only thing the scripture says that a WAR WAS IN HEAVEN. why? Well, it appears the text in Ezekiel and Isaiah try to put satan in the background, when in actuality they were simple taking about two pagan kings. And it is still a MYSTERY. However, there is a text in 1 Corinthians 13: 12Our minds are so darkened by selfishness that we see God's kingdom poorly, like a reflection in a cloudy mirror; but when he returns, we shall see perfectly–face to face! Right now I know only part of God's reality; then–I will have all questions answered and fully know the truth, just as God fully knows me. SO BE IT.

  5. This concept of cosmic conflict proved to be the turning point of my leaving atheism for Christianity. Now I could see why a loving God permits tooth and claw to lie down with the innocent, not just in nature but in humanity...and in me.

  6. If we believe there is a God, and that the Bible is inspired by Him, then we must accept there is a devil because the Bible tells us there is.

    We are only blessed with "an incredible amount of knowledge" IF we have applied ourselves to study so we can know it for ourselves, and then obey it. It's useless otherwise.

    Jesus has promised us His presence, and if obedient to all the truth He has revealed to us, He makes His presence known. In trials, there is no other way to find peace. It's vital that we desire His presence as He will never intrude where He is unwanted. He will knock on, but never break down the door. He desires our genuine invitation.

    So many ways to define "love", and personal experience may help or hinder to some degree. Yet the Bible seems to define love toward God as something more than a feeling, which can be as fickle as our feelings and moods. As I can best understand it, this love for God is a choice to prefer Him above all other preferences due to all He has demonstrated in His preference for our present and eternal welfare, highlighted by the infinite price paid for our salvation which we cannot fully comprehend or ever deserve. He does all out of mercy and grace, which reveals the pure motive of love. We are thus able to realize that God is deserving of our highest allegiance and willing obedience. Of course this can only be if we know Him and have a right conception of His character, government and purposes. This knowledge comes through a faithful study of His word/law which lead us "to understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God" (Prov 2:1-5). The scriptures are our only gateway to this understanding and through faith will result in our willing allegiance.


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