HomeDailyFriday: Further Thought ~ Living the Gospel    


Friday: Further Thought ~ Living the Gospel — 4 Comments

  1. If I don’t live the gospel my preaching the gospel is hypocrisy. And Jesus reserved his most severe criticism for hypocrites.

    “When you give to someone in need, don’t do as the hypocrites do—blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity! I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:2‬ ‭NLT

  2. Living the Gospel - We are created a new in Christ to do his good work.
    For God So loved - It is the love of God that transforms us to love others. It is antagonistic for us to love others without the love of God transforming us.
    Compassion and Repentance - Compassion is God's response to our human condition. Repentance is man's response to the compassionate God.
    Grace and Good Works - Without the experience of God's grace in our lives it is impossible for us to produce good works.
    Our Common Humanity - When we accept Our Common Humanity into our hearts, we would be joining together in uplifting each other.
    The Everlasting Gospel - The everlasting gospel does not fade away like the earthly glory. It will stand forever because the gospel is Christ Jesus in humanity.
    Friday - Acts 6 disunity raises in the early church caring for the widows. The church resolved it by appointing leaders who were godly and acceptable.
    There was a sage who ran across a beautiful woman who was making a living selling herself as a prostitute. She asked the sage don't you find me attractive and the sage did not reply her. Years later, he found this lady who was diseased living as a beggar and he took her home and cared for her. When the world abandoned her, this sage took her in.

    There are many forms of slavery in the world today.
    As a believer, relieve those under oppression.
    It is a God given mandate for us.

  3. Today's lesson asks:

    "How do we find the right balance in doing good for those in need, if for no other reason than that they are in need and we can help them, while at the same time reaching out to them with the truths of the gospel? How can we learn to do both, and why is it always better to do both?"

    Could the problem be that we see (a) serving others and (b) reaching out to others with the truths of the gospel as two separate things that because they are separate, necessarily need to be balanced?

    What if they are not in fact two separate things, but one in the same thing?

    How we answer this question will depend on what we see/understand the gospel to be.

    And what we see the gospel to be will depend on what we see salvation as.

    And what we see salvation as will depend on what we see as the problem that has caused a need for salvation.

    If I see the main problem as my need to avoid the death-penalty that God must impose upon me because a Holy God (allegedly) has to punish sin in order to be Just and Holy, then my primary focus is on my situation. A rather self-based view as I see it.

    But if the main problem we have is that all of humanity has developed a terminal condition of self-centeredness originating in Genesis 3, then the focus is much broader. Salvation is then about participating in a process of actual (progressive) restoration back to the way things were prior to Genesis 3 where humans had hearts motivated by selflessness and consequentially developed characters that naturally focused on serving God and serving others. Under this paradigm, the gospel and serving others is a single, inseparable entity rather than two distinct things that must somehow be juggled in order to be 'balanced'.


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