HomeDailyFriday: Further Thought – Worship the Creator    


Friday: Further Thought – Worship the Creator — 2 Comments

  1. As Seventh-day Adventists, we have always been well known for our biblical defence of our doctrines and beliefs. Most of us could provide at least a modicum of texts to support Sabbath-keeping, tithe-paying, the investigative judgement, and the creativity of God. We enjoy the reputation we have of being "people of The Book". But knowledge and defence are only useful if it has a practical application in real life.

    I have all the theory in my head about flying a plane. I know the functionality of the rudder and flaps. I can even five you equations for lift and drag. In fact I can sit in from of a computer and fly a simulator without crashing the pixels on the screen. But, I have never sat in the pilots seat and taken control of a plane in the air. Theoretical knowledge of flying is useful, but needs to be applied if we want to gain benefit from it.

    So, after studying the lesson for this week, how does it affect us?

    James had a bit to say about this:

    Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. James 1:21-24 KJV

    Then he followed up with that text that has probably been in the back of our minds this whole quarter:

    Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

    Its time to start our internship!

  2. Created and recreated - Creation of God was marred by sin but God created enmity exists in each of us not to rest until his image is recreated in us.
    “There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.” Blaise Pascal
    Change - Change by God in us results in changed behavior Change in behavior resulted in change in treatment of others.
    How have you changed in life? Can you see the changes in your life?
    Worship - Core of the Great Controversy: satan forces worship. Son of God stands and knocks. One would bind us up in slavery the other frees us and longs for us to choose Him in your new found freedom. Worship is a choice only given by Christ. This day choose whom you will worship.
    Oppression - As long as there is inequality among us there will be oppression of the people. It is only In Christ the inequality will meet equality when there is no supremacy the oppression will cease to exist.
    Active - In their explanation of the relationship between worship and justice, there is another step urged by the prophets: an active concern for relieving the poor and oppressed and helping those in need is an important part of worship itself. How active is the life style of the believer in actively reliving the poor and helping those in need?
    Faithfulness -
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    O God my Father
    There is no shadow of turning with Thee
    Thou changest not
    Thy compassions they fail not
    As Thou hast been
    Thou forever will be
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    Morning by morning new mercies I see
    And all I have needed Thy hand hath provided
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    Lord unto me
    Pardon for sin
    And a peace that endureth
    Thine own dear presence to cheer
    And to guide
    Strength for today
    and bright hope for tomorrow
    Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    Lord every morning new mercies I see and all I have needed Thy hands hath
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    Great is Thy faithfulness
    Lord unto me
    So faithful too me
    Practical - In most of the professions there is didactic portion and there is a practical. It is to apply all that have been learned is put into practice.


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