Friday: Further Study
Further Study: Parents should be models of truthfulness, for this is the daily lesson to be impressed upon the heart of the child. Undeviating principle should govern parents in all the affairs of life, especially in the education and training of their children. . . . Parents, never prevaricate; never tell an untruth in precept or in example. If you want your child to be truthful, be truthful yourself.
— Ellen G. White, Child Guidance, p. 151.
Many fathers and mothers seem to think that if they feed and clothe their little ones, and educate them according to the standard of the world, they have done their duty. They are too much occupied with business or pleasure to make the education of their children the study of their lives. They do not seek to train them so that they will employ their talents for the honor of their Redeemer. Solomon did not say,
— Ellen G. White, Child Guidance, p. 38.Tell a child the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
But, Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Discussion Questions:
- Dwell more on the idea of Proverbs 22:6. Why must we be careful in how we apply this? That is, many parents have done a good job in rearing their children, and yet as adults those children make wrong choices. Why must we never forget the reality of free will and the reality of the great controversy as we look at the meaning of this text?
- Look again at the final question at the end of Wednesday’s study. What does it tell us about ourselves that we get such a sense of satisfaction from helping others, especially when we get nothing in return? What should this truth tell us about why so many people who have so much of the world’s riches are miserable nonetheless?
- Though we are not all equal in talents, education, experience, and so forth, we are equal in the most important thing: we all need the cross for salvation. What should this teach us about the basic equality and worth of all human beings? More so, how should this truth impact how we treat all people?

I read Brayden's testimony, and I was impressed by the way he described the church he joined; he mentioned that the people were "there for him", I presume he meant that they were supportive willing and helpful ready to lend a hand when times are difficult. I wish that was true of the church I attend.
I am 73 and suffer from reduced lung capacity causing me shortness of breath, and I have to use oxygen at those times leaving me incapable of work of a stressful nature. I can only do light work as my spine has a form of spondylitis. I and my wife live in a small house on a big block so there's no end of maintenance, My neighbor and his son help me a lot and I thank them for it. My wife cannot bend and has difficulty walking because of severe arthritis in both knees, but thank God both of us can still manage the property. We are on a pension and so hard up financialy that we can't afford to pay a handyman/gardener. we need support.
I approached the church and all they did was to send a man to mow the grass once only and then suggested we move to an old people's home. How convenient! problem solved and hands washed. BUT I enjoy pottering around the workshop located under a leanto (three sides open to the elements) and many things I can still do despite my condition and I still drive and love my independence.
Yes, we are here to "be there of one another" but I don't see this in my church; we meet once a week on the Sabbath go through the motions and then melt into thin air. However we are visited by certain JW's who have helped my wife greatly and say that such indifference as manifested by our so called "remnant" and "true" church is not the case with them. How do we as "the people of the Book" relate to the Law of Christ as outlined in Matt 25:31-46 ?
Hi John, You have sadly described many of our churches. I pray for the body daily as we truly are in the Laodicean state. I pray for new converts, and encourage them to look only to Jesus as I fear that once they 'settle in', they will soon see many of us for who we truly are and leave. I'll give you an example; I had a co worker who got baptized in one of our church. She had such zeal and joy. Planning for her first woman's retreat saw her all fired up. I started to pray real hard, I know how many of us conduct ourselves, too often, not in a positive way. She returned from the retreat, instantly, one could see that the light had gone from her eyes; she never, ever spoke of the retreat, the joy she once had vanished. She stopped attending church immediately after, changed her phone number, and no longer works with us. I continue to pray that she will return to her First Love. One of my situations; I was faithful in tithes, offerings, my time and service, then lost my job. I make it a point to never ask the church for help. I know what that entails, I have been in board meetings. A member informed the Pastor that I had fallen onto hard times, he called me to his office, gave me $50.00; the work of the church was done. Let us pray for the body that we all return to our First Love and like the early church serve each other in Spirit and in Truth. We know all the right scripture passages to quote, however, too often we do not incorporate these into our lives. I Pray that we all could get serious about this thing. The grass is always greener on the other side (other churches), and everyone has their problems but from what I see around me, many of us are really a selfish, 'cliqueish' bunch. I am sorry that our members are not willing to help you and your wife. But look at our God providing whomever He has to, to help you. There is always a ram in the thicket. Let us all pray for the body that we will awake from our sleep, shake up our fallow ground and serve each other as outlined in Matt. 25:31-46. May God continue to provide and bless you and your wife.
John, thank you for sharing your struggles with age and needs. God has used you to open my eyes and see the needs of those around me. I used to bring food and cook one day a week for a shelter place. I stopped two years ago. The Lord is showing me that I have to go back and help those in need around me. God bless you brother and trust in Him that He will send you the help you need.
I am so sorry to here and see this in a church that I believe understand the words of God better than the entire gospel preaching nation, yet we understand the word because we can explain it very clear, and we believe what we say, why we can't apply it to our life? As Christian who believe in Jesus as our redeemer from a sin curse world, our church as a whole make no provision for sensor citizen of our churches. babies don't ask to come into this world, but we provide for them when they get here, senior citizen don't know what illness that may beset them, why would not we provide a ministry that on a weekly base go by and do something for our senior citizen, many senior have given tithes and offering as long as they been member of there local church, now they are on a fixed income, all that is going for medicine before they receive it, as churches we sit back and watch them wither away until they die, because there has never been a plan to provide for our senior the way Christ provide for us, how will we answer when Christ ask you the question, I was sick and came and visit me, I was hunger you gave me food, when our world church here not the voice of it crying sensor citizen, neither our local church provide no program for our most needed church family, most sensior believe that God will provide for them, and he will, most senior will take some of there pride to the grave with them, the little dignity that they have left about them self will not allow them to ask any church family for anything, my bible tell me, once a man, twice a child, A child never tell you his bottom needs cleaning, he don't no, sensor citizen can't tell you what they needs are, we who are in our rightful mind know what is best for them and should have a program in world and local church to do as needed, I believe this will have and eternal effect on our soul. As leader of this great church, may we not leave the care of one soul into the world hands for many of there final days here on earth, who know, the Christ they see in you knowing that they will never be able to repay you, could be the turn point that they see the Christ in you, and leave this earth with a joy in there heart haven been a part of a Christian family.. May the God of creation be with us all.
Hi Barnell,
The last two SDA churches where I worshipped both have very active welfare departments who do go out and help families who are in need. One runs one of the many groups that have a programme called Meals on Wheels which several times a week prepare lovely meals and take them to people who are unable to care for themselves. A neighbouring SDA church operates a huge soup kitchen for the homeless in the city centre. I also know of several old age homes run by the church to care for the beloved old folk of our church. These are only a few programmes in action that I personally know about in my vicinity. I am sure that there are many many many more all around the world. I am sorry that you have encountered some SDA members who were uncharitable. I hope you were able to feel sorry for them and say like Jesus did "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do". As for myself I say like Paul - I know that I am not perfect but I also know that the LORD is still working on me to become more like him.
You and me are the church, and each one of us needs to do our part to share the compassion of Jesus with those in need.
As I reflect on Proverbs as a whole it has struck me how often we are instructed to LISTEN!!
I have discovered a tendency in myself to study the Proverbs and meditate on what it means for me. But what I have learned this week is that it is also important to listen and learn what it means to others. So many crying, begging, shouting, saying Please Understand Me, pay attention to what I think, feel and experience.
So I would like to say to my friends in this group, I have listened, I have learned things I never knew before, you have changed my understanding of how history impacts people differently and deeply.
My heart goes out to those who have reached out to their local church for help and found none, you have impressed me to see if there is someone like you in my community that needs my compassion.
Change? We see injustice in our corner of the world and we demand change. We demand that all should be treated equally, with dignity and respect. But all around the world we see different groups each having their own demands and we see many of these demands conflicting and we see people trying to force others to change e.g. Ukraine, ISIS to name a few.
How do we handle it?
Last week we learned about how to deal with fights, this week we were told we are equal in the eyes of God and should treat each other accordingly.
However we have to be realistic, we are in the end times and in 2 Tim 3 we are told the type of people to expect, in Matt 24 we are told that it will be as in the days of Noah when people were only always evil.
We have to realize that the majority are not going to change, Proverbs tells us don't try to teach a fool they will just hate you, but if you share information with the wise they will thank you.
The only solution is Jesus and His love, no matter how unjust and unkind others are we need to share the love that God has poured into our heart and to remember the advice of Proverbs : a soft answer turns away wrath. We have to remember Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble but in Him we have peace in our heart.
Shirley, what you say gets me to think about Matt 20:25-28. Somehow it seems to me that there is something wrong when we make demands of other people.
I also think about what Jesus said concerning Mary's anointing of Him, "For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always" (Jn. 12:8 NKJV). I realize the context of that statement was in answer to a very cold, selfish criticism of Mary but I struggle to fit it in with other statements in the Bible concerning the treatment of the poor. After all, that fragrant oil was no small bit of pocket change. Judas estimated it to be about 300 denarii which would have been almost a year's wages for the average worker in those times.
Hi Tyler, I hear you saying that Jesus calls us to serve others and not dominate them. I agree.
We can learn from Jesus' life. Whenever he saw someone in need He had great compassion and did what He could to heal, feed and comfort them. He never demands people change what they think or feel, He draws people to Him with love and His wonderful character and if they desire to become like Him, he promises to do a miracle and change their hearts.
Tyler, I hear your perplexity. I'm not sure I have the full answer, but as I read (in The Desire of Ages, page 560) about the multiple purposes that Mary's sacrifice served, I can see why the Holy Spirit led her to give so lavishly. Would I have had as much devotion? I don't know. But I do know that Jesus is worthy of much more than "a year's wages".
Today we can give offerings to His work, and some of us can give lavishly. May God help those who should give lavishly, to do so faithfully. At the same time, He is not physically present on earth today. So He has given most of us opportunity to serve Him through "the least of these". May God help us, who see the needs of others, to serve them faithfully. We all need more than human wisdom to sort out the responsibilities that press upon us, and to do His will.
Friday Discussion question #2:
"...we get such a sense of satisfaction from helping others, especially when we get nothing in return?"
Source of satisfaction must not be the physical (food, clothing, cash, career) altho these make our time on earth (while waiting for the city yet to come), comfortable.
1 Timothy 6:6 ESV
Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment,
Psalm 17:15 ESV
As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness.
Romans 14:17 ESV
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
The issue is knowing God. No wonder we are satisfied to help without gaining in return. Only, let's make our helps a little more sustainable as opposed to one-off encounters with the needy. Let's commit to prayer and God will guide the efforts.
Not that we will be satisfied becos all will be rosy but becos we know Him and He's with us even in the scorched places. See:
Isaiah 58:11 ESV
And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
So one thing is worth depending on, seeking Him and we will find satisfaction in both spiritual and physical needs. See:
Matthew 6:33 ESV
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
I personally think everything about salvation is about 'making demands' of other people. From giving up what they once believed in, and joining the church, to service as depicted in Matt 25:31-46. I may be wrong though. Shabbat shalom everyone!!
I think I agree with what you mean, Paulette. But let's look a little deeper. The question then becomes, Who is to make the demands?
Is it possible that if we make the demands we might get in the way of the Holy Spirit?
Paulette, I fully agree when it comes to conforming to the rules of Heaven but should we demand that everyone else adhere to our particular ideas and ways of doing things?
I personally think that the Good News is Jesus inviting me to be a part of His wonderful kingdom, to be miraculously born again, to be re-created in His image to be allowed to be part of His plan to share the Good News with the world, to blessed to be part of the body in service.
My part in God's plan is to share the LORD's love with others and to introduce them to Jesus so that He can start the cycle again by inviting them to be re-created in His image.