Friday: Further Thought – Living for God
“The love that suffers long and is kind will not magnify an indiscretion into an unpardonable offense, neither will it make capital of others’ misdoings. The Scriptures plainly teach that the erring are to be treated with forbearance and consideration. If the right course is followed, the apparently obdurate heart may be won to Christ. The love of Jesus covers a multitude of sins.
His grace never leads to the exposing of another’s wrongs, unless it is a positive necessity.” – Ellen G. White, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 267. Think, for instance, of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11). We usually look at this as a story of Christ’s grace to a fallen woman, and that’s true. But there’s a deeper element, as well. In confronting the religious leaders who brought the woman to Him, why did Jesus write down the “guilty secrets of their own lives” (Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 461) in the dirt, where the words could instantly be obliterated? Why didn’t He openly accuse them, declaring before everyone what He knew about their own sins, which might have been just as bad as or even worse than that woman’s? Instead, Jesus showed them that He knew their hypocrisy and evil, and yet was not going to expose it to others. Perhaps this was Jesus’ own way of reaching out to these men, showing them He knew their purposes and thus giving them an opportunity to be saved. What a powerful lesson for us when we need to confront those who have sinned.
Discussion Questions:

I have come to understand that God's Love and grace is big enough to cover our wrong doing,and its this Love and grace that we must show and exercise on others.God Bless you all.
Tho we sin God cushions our public images in order to provide means and more opportunities to repent. If God exposes us it is to bring the shame that only leads to repentance like David, or condemnation like Akan. Behold there come a time when all done in secret shall be laid bare in judgement so lets live under the watchful guidance of Christ and being careful of the way we treat other peoples mistakes as well.Happy preparation Day.
God made us all different! And this is good. What unites us is the fact that, in spite of our differences, we were all created equal, we all sinned, and unfortunately, we all have mortal natures! Thus, our only hope to be gathered again as a family is to claim our origin! Nothing can bring us back together but the belief that we have the same roots! This root is a rock that can't be broken, a single Force that we can't really explain because of our limitations. This rock is also a Person! It has a Name, which means Love! The only thing that can unite humanity again to "re-present" this beautiful, colorful and super creative mass is called Jesus!
Some of us as Christians, we like to point fingers at each other and talk about our brothers's and sisters's sins, and without looking our own fault first. Just like Jesus let the men knew that don't be so quick to accuse someone. Go to analyze yourself frst, then you can let someone knows their mistakes.
Jesus's love does not accuse us His love covers all our sins. His Loving Power's Blood pays all for us.
"The closer you come to Jesus, the more faulty you will appear in your own eyes; for your vision will be clearer, and your imperfections will be seen in broad and distinct contrast to His perfect nature... No deep-seated love for Jesus can dwell in the heart that does not realize its own sinfulness... but if we do not see our own moral deformity, it is unmistakable evidence that we have not had a view of the beauty and excellence of Christ." (Steps to Christ, pp. 64-65).
As was the case for the accusers of the fallen woman (John 8:1-11), we can hardly accuse others once we have an accurate view of our own moral deformity that only Jesus can save us from.
that was sooooo good!
"that hit the spot"!
Living for God, Friday Lesson:
When you live for God, people can analyze that, there is something different inexplicable about you. Also you are an agent for God where ever you will be. Living for God, is your heart and souls you give to Jesus .
Jesus taught us we should not accuse or being judgmental to people, because we are all sinners. If we have in mind, to exhort our brothers and sisters and the worldly people, make sure that we applicate God's Ordinances and His Principles deeply in our hearts.