Further Study: Seek the Lord and Live!
“Our standing before God depends, not upon the amount of light we have received, but upon the use we make of what we have. Thus even the heathen who choose the right as far as they can distinguish it are in a more favorable condition than are those who have had great light, and profess to serve God, but who disregard the light, and by their daily life contradict their profession.”—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 239.
Discussion Questions:
- As a class, go over your answers to Sunday’s question about learning to hate evil and love the good, as well as the danger of calling evil good and good evil. Why is this danger especially prevalent when culture and society start to change their values in ways that accept certain behaviors, lifestyles, and attitudes that clearly are condemned in the Bible? As individuals, and even as a church as a whole, we are not immune to the cultural and societal trends in which we are immersed, are we? Dwell on the changes that have happened in your own culture and society over the years. For example, what things that were once considered shameful and taboo now openly are expressed and practiced, even deemed good or, at least not wrong? How have these changes impacted the church’s attitudes toward these acts? What can we do in order to protect ourselves and our church from falling into the dangerous trap of calling evil good? At the same time, what cultural changes for the good have impacted the church in a good way, a way that more closely reflects the principles of love and acceptance revealed by Jesus’ life?
- Dwell more on this idea of “a famine” for the Word of God. What is the likely way that could come about? Does the Lord purposely hide truth from people, or is it that people’s attitudes make them totally unreceptive to the Word of the Lord? Or could it be both? Or something else entirely? Discuss.
- As Seventh-day Adventists who live with so much light and have so many reasons to believe in the truths that we have been given, are we not in danger of thinking that our knowledge of these wonderful truths alone is all that we need? How should the truths with which we have been blessed impact the way in which we live and interact with others, not only in the church but in our community? In other words, how can we live out the truths with which we have been entrusted? Why is it so important that we do?

What about social responsibility?
Do we as SDAs only preach the word?
What about becoming active in our immediate environment?
Volunteers, social enterprises....
ADRA should become active not only in foreign countries but also at home. How much does our church support ADRA?
The most outstanding gift we have been given as adventists is the knowledge of the WORD and THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.
These are blesssings but a curse and challenge if not used accordingly,interpretted well and shared to the world out there.
Its a noble calling and a blessing to be an adventist in this end time.God be with you all as we explore more of His word.
what is our attitude when told that our action and/or lifestyles are sinful and will bring punishment upon us?what does our answer tell us about ourselves and about perhaps the need for a change of heart and attitude
"the greatest wealth of truth ever entrusted to mortals,the most and fearful warnings sent by God,have have been committed to them(Adventist)to be given to the word_7T 138(1902)" When i read this i pause to ponder what a privilege to belong to such a movement, but then i remember that each privilege God gives is accompanied with a responsibility and accountability thereafter.
Be blessed