Further Study: Worship in the Book of Revelation
Read Ellen G. White, “The Impending Conflict,” pp. 582–592; “The Final Warning,” pp. 603–612, “The Controversy Ended,” pp. 662–678, in The Great Controversy.
“Worship is bending low before our Maker, recognizing and acknowledging His holiness and our creatureliness. It is submitting to His sovereignty, responding to His majestic presence.”—Document by Richard M. Davidson, Worship in the Old Testament (used by permission of the author), p. 3.
“The Psalmist states: ‘Serve the Lord with fear [awe]; rejoice with trembling’ (Ps. 2:11). In worship we recognize the awesome majesty and infinite power of the King; we remember that ‘Our God is a consuming fire’ (Deut 4:24; Heb 12:29) that would instantly consume us if it were not for the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus who was ‘consumed’ on the altar of Calvary in our place.”
“Thus our worship will keep a balance between joy and awe. It will be a holy joy. . . . Our worship must have awesome depth . . . yet vibrant joy.”—Document by Richard M. Davidson, Seminary Professor, Andrews University, Worship in the Old Testament (used by permission of the author), p. 30.
“The redeemed raise a song of praise that echoes and re-echoes through the vaults of heaven: ‘Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb,’ verse 10 [of Revelation 7] . . .
“In all that shining throng there are none to ascribe salvation to themselves, as if they had prevailed by their own power and goodness. Nothing is said of what they have done or suffered; but the burden of every song, the keynote of every anthem, is: Salvation to our God and unto the Lamb.”—Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 665.
Discussion Questions:
In class, discuss in more detail the plan of redemption, the miracle of the Incarnation, the sinless life of Jesus, and His death on our behalf, and the promise of His second coming. Why does all this make Christ so worthy of worship?
What are ways that we worship the Lord when we are not in church service? If we are not worshiping the Lord all the time, can we truly worship him for a few hours on Sabbath? Discuss your answer.
What are some “good” things that we could be in danger of worshiping?

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