God’s Love Wins…Again

There is always hope. – Nome, Alaska
Raised in the 1960’s and 70’s in a rather typical Seventh-day Adventist home, my five siblings and I were left to picture God as old, cold, and hard. We learned about John 3:16 and that was great, but what always came through to me at the end was that I was bad, I needed to get good, and I better get to work on that right away because Jesus was coming soon. If we did what we were supposed to do, we had a shot at getting into heaven. Or else.
This was not an attractive proposition. Based on what I understood (or didn’t understand) about the nature of God’s love for us, it is no wonder that I became an atheist by the time I was 45. But that is getting ahead of the story.
By the time I was in my teens, I wasn’t much interested in God or religion; I wanted to be happy and feel good. I turned to drugs, rock and roll, and a number of destructive habits. I knew in the back of my mind that this was sin, but I didn’t much care. By the time I was in my 20’s, my life had become an endless circle of trying and failing to find happiness, or at least some level of contentment. One late night/early morning, after accidentally watching an episode of It is Written, I decided to go back to church – a Seventh-day Adventist Church.
I really did give it my best shot. On the outside I looked pretty awesome – theology student, urban missionary worker, etc. I was a fantastic rule keeper. I was pretty sure I had conquered all sin except for one – appetite. Once I started eating, it was very hard to stop. Something compelled me to continue eating. I tried fasting a few times, but it made no difference. I was out of control when it came to food, and I knew I would never able to conquer that one.
Now I know that it was because I had no idea who God was or how much He loved me. I was trying to earn his approval so He would save me. I had also never learned to submit every thing to God. (Deep down, I doubt I wanted to, anyway.) After 3 ½ years of failure, I gave up. I didn’t see the point of continuing if the formula didn’t work. So I left the church.
Almost immediately, I returned to my openly sinful life, and it was worse than before. Three years later, even though I was “functioning” (I was able to hold down a job), I was drunk every day. I was taking whatever drugs I could find and afford. I remember waking up in the morning still drunk. I would head off to work thinking “I’m done with this drinking.” By lunch time I was saying to myself, “At least I am not going to get wasted today.” But as soon as I was off work, I was sitting on the bar stool, starting my night of “fun.” I was defeated and accepted that I was not going to survive much longer. So I might as well go down in flames.
Then God stepped in and, by His grace, He got me into a rehab center in 1993. I was able to stop all the substance abuse, except for nicotine and caffeine. (I was pretty sure that those didn’t counted.) God did not require me to be converted or even acknowledge Him. All I had to do, it turns out, was to admit that, if there is such a thing as a God, then I am not it.
When I got clean and sober, I did believe in some sort of nebulous god-like force in nature, but I didn’t really believe in a personal God. Although I didn’t see it then, I now recognize how gracious our God is in looking after us even when we do not acknowledge Him.
Sober But Still Sick
But I was still sick with sin. I had several relationships of varying lengths, and none of them lasted, mostly because of my inability to stay. I always had a good reason to leave, or so I convinced myself.
I avidly consumed movies, TV, music, and video games. Most of my favorites were dark in every way. I ate whatever I wanted – too much of the wrong things. I am sure it looked like I was trying to kill myself. I was addicted to lust – illicit sexual relations, prostitution, and pornography (online and otherwise). Despite my relentless search for happiness, I was miserable.
In 2007, I had surgery to remove a malignant brain tumor. As I was getting ready to be wheeled into the operating room, I believed that it would be OK with me if I didn’t survive the surgery. At some point before that, I had become agnostic so I thought there was probably no such thing as an afterlife – that when we die, that’s it. I figured my life had been OK so what was the big deal? 1
It wasn’t too long after that experience that I gradually became an atheist: I was completely persuaded there was no God. There was just one thing that I could not get past as an atheist – Daniel 2. I tried to ignore that detail.
God Steps In
So that’s where things stood on the afternoon of August 22, 2014. I hadn’t been to church for years, though I sometimes considered attending for the possibility of meeting a woman. I hadn’t read the Bible for years, except when I wanted prove something. (Often that “proving” was to put a Christian on the spot regarding the Sabbath.) I was just as sin-sick as ever. That day was a Friday and I was due to start my final year at Washington State University in pursuit of an accounting degree. I had all my books and was ready to go. There was nothing in my life at that time that was causing me any significant amount of stress.
Since all my classes were online, I had become accustomed to taking a nap in the afternoon. Sometimes I slept, sometimes not. That day I did not sleep, but that was nothing unusual. For some reason, without really thinking about it, I sat down at my computer and went to BlueLetterBible.org. I went to John 14 and started reading. If someone would have asked me what I was doing and why, I would have told them, “I have no idea.” But there I was.
I kept reading. I remember at one point realizing that if I kept reading, my life was likely to change dramatically. I kept reading. I went through Jesus’ long talk with the disciples and his prayer with our Father. I read about His heart-rending struggle with accepting the cup of suffering in Gethsemane. I kept reading – through the humiliating trials with all the mocking, scourging, and spitting inflicted on Jesus.
I read through the story of Jesus hanging on the cross. I read through the resurrection, His ascension and Pentecost. By the time I got to somewhere in Acts 3, I gave up. I fell on my face on the floor. With gut-wrenching sobs, I told God how sorry I was for being so wrong about who He is. I asked Him to forgive my sins and told Him that if there was anything left of me He could use, I was His – all His.
I don’t know how long I was on the floor, but when I stood up, I knew I was a different man. (1 Sam. 10:6) I was convinced, and still am, that God Himself, through the power of His Word and the Holy Spirit, introduced Himself to me. I didn’t hear any voices, but I knew He was offering me everything if I was willing to let Him take everything. Without hesitation, I said, “Yes.” In that moment, it was as if I had no other option. Twenty years before that, I thought I had other options besides submitting. Praise God, this time I knew there were none.
This transaction had nothing to do with a desire to go to heaven and live forever. It was the knowing that I could choose to walk with Jesus moment by moment. I had met the most amazing Person imaginable. I realized I had finally found that love and lover for whom I had been searching my entire life and I couldn’t stand the thought of being apart from Him for even one moment.
Another Man
I had been a smoker most of my adult life – sometimes moderate, sometimes heavy. I was so thrilled with my new life that within fifteen minutes or so after getting up off the floor, I had to tell someone. I called my uncle who is a serious, converted Seventh-day Adventist believer who knows Jesus. We started talking. Since I had long been in the habit of smoking while talking on the phone, I smoked a cigarette while talking with him, without thinking about it. And then I smoked another one. I hung up from talking with my uncle and went out to my car for a third cigarette. As I walked, I was thinking that I needed a cigarette. Then a gentle, almost smiling, voice-like thought said to me, “Do you really need that?” I stopped in my tracks and realized I didn’t. I was practically giggling as I walked to the dumpster with my stash of cigarettes.
I never smoked again and never experienced one craving. It was the same with caffeine. The only ill effect I experienced from not using either of those substances was a minor headache the next morning from caffeine withdrawal.
Within an hour or so I realized I no longer had any interest in watching TV, playing video games, or eating a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. I had been a huge baseball fan all my life, and my team was doing very well at the time. I just no longer cared. I was amazed! (As was my non-religious, sports fan brother.) All of those soul-killing sexual habits were as if they had never existed. (Yes, even the online porn.)2 I knew that God had healed me of my need for all these things.
Having healed me, God put a yearning in me to know Him better and to learn how to be useful to Him and to others. I had a whole new outlook on the people I saw – whether family, friends, or the person working the cash register. I wanted all of them to meet my Brother.
Over the course of the next several days, I put my main computer (I kept my laptop) and everything in my entertainment center on Craigslist. I gave away half of my clothes. I couldn’t wait to divest myself of anything attached to my former life.
Remember, that day was Friday. There was a Seventh-day Adventist Church within walking distance of my apartment. The next morning, I was sitting in a pew for the early service. I desperately wanted to fellowship with others who were crazy about Jesus.
I was living in Portland, OR, and within three weeks, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, I packed up everything I owned into my 2003 Buick Century and headed to the Florida Keys 3,500 miles away. There I volunteered for a Seventh-day Adventist radio ministry (streaming worldwide at WHJN.org) run by a long-time friend and former boss, Juanita Kretschmar.
Six months later, I moved back to Oregon and moved in with my parents. During that time, I took a two-week training course to do literature evangelism. When I got home, I started knocking on doors. Any of you who have experienced this will understand what joy it is to let Jesus reach people through this ministry.
Several months later, I took a call from Adventist Volunteer Services to go up to Nome, Alaska, U.S., to work at another Seventh-day Adventist radio ministry, KQQN. I am still here in Nome.
The Rest of the Story

Alive again! – Big Pine Key, Florida
This part is hard to write about because I still can’t believe it myself, let alone expect anybody else to believe it. Something supernatural happened on that Friday afternoon. It is true that I was given the extraordinary healing of all those habits. I was also given a gift that is at least as valuable as the healing. That gift is the freedom to choose moment by moment whether or not to engage in sin.
August 28, six days after I as converted, I started a journal. This is the first thing I wrote: “There is a clear enmity between my new self and the old. Sinful things that I once sought after and longed for, I now abhor. This is beyond miraculous.” Not too long after that, I realized that I could honestly say that I would rather die than choose to sin.
That doesn’t mean I am without sin. I am constantly coming up short when it comes to following our perfect Pattern. I continually have to claim the blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of my sins. The source of these sins is the self monster that lives within me. My daily life is shot through with pride, self-sufficiency, intolerance, self-justification, and the incessant demand for approval, applause, admiration, and credit. That is merely scratching the surface. Self causes me to behave in ways I do not want and causes me to fail to do things that I do want. Romans 7 is so familiar to me; I am that man. “I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.” Romans 7:25
Unlike the choice of deciding not to knowingly sin, victory over self can only be won by daily submitting everything to God. This is a choice I make every day, asking for the saving grace of God and claiming the promise that He is cleansing me from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) The victory is called sanctification and that “is not the work of a moment, an hour, a day, but of a lifetime.” 3 While that work of God is daily progressing, I can joyfully claim the righteousness “which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.” (Phil. 3:9) Assurance of all this is ours because God’s word “shall not return to Me void.” (Isa. 55:11)
One last thing: Parents, never stop praying for your children! I am thoroughly convinced that if it had not been for the fervent prayers of my earthly father, there is a good chance the Holy Spirit wouldn’t have had the spiritual authority to reach me. Your praying gives God more opportunity to save your children. Never stop.
The point of my story is that God is a miracle worker. Even though I thought I had long ago grieved away the Holy Spirit, He found a way in. It is because of this that I can’t stop praising Him. All glory to Him!
- The surgery and treatment went very well. No sign of disease since. ↩
- A brief note regarding online porn. I talked earlier about my addiction to food. Online porn addiction was like that, only on steroids. It was the one thing I knew I could not live without. Even though I knew deep down that it was killing my soul, I could not wait to get my next “fix”. There are resources for dealing with this issue – use Google. I’m sure some of these work for some people. But I know that the only source of ultimate healing is the One who says, “Wilt thou be made whole?” John 5:6 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 “How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him…” 1 Kings 18:21. ↩
- Ellen G. White, Acts of the Apostles, p. 360 ↩

Thank you for sharing your testimony. My son & nephew who were both raised in the church are claiming to be atheist. Your journey has given me the assurance that God is faithful even when we're not. I stand on Philippines 1:6 & Ezekiel 36:26 for my family. I know that if he did it for you, he can & will do it for them. Thanks again for sharing & please continue to pray for our youth.
Keeping praying, Beth. I don't think any of us really understands how powerful intercessory prayer is, especially for your children. Here is another text you can claim here: "...for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children." Isa.49:25 I will pray for your son and nephew, and you do too! Never stop. (I will pray for you, too.)
Thank you!
WOW!! Thanks for sharing and encouraging me! No other words to say! Fall in love with God, amazing Grace how sweet it is!
Thank you so much for this testimony!! I also was raised in the SDA church, felt I would never be good enough, and fell victim to the devil's lies. I won't go into detail of my walk in the world, but I have attended church with varying degrees of enthusiasm and commitment most of my life. I did and said a lot of the
"right things" but had never felt the power of the Spirit of God. A couple weeks ago as I read my Bible, I was overwhelmed with the sinfulness of my character. However, I simultaneously felt peace and acceptance by God through Jesus' blood. I have never felt so clean!!! I tell everyone who will listen what Jesus means to me and I choose daily, hourly and sometimes minute by minute to stay in God's will. I believe I have been truly born again. God has been speaking to me and by His Grace I am finally listening. My two adult sons have both walked away from faith due in large part, I believe, to my inconsistent witness. Please pray my boys will hear the Holy Spirit too.
Praise the Lord, Sarah. I will pray for your boys and for you. I just now sat down here after attending our mid-week service. We read "Except Ye See Signs and Wonders" out of Desire of Ages. (Chap. 20 - John 4:43-54) Jesus could do nothing for the Jewish nobleman until the man recognized the depth of his sinfulness. Praise God, "the Savior's words to the nobleman laid bare his heart." This sounds what you experienced couple weeks ago. With you, I praise God and give Him the glory!
Dear Jeffrey,
This is one of the most honest, incredible stories of deliverance that I have ever read. I was wondering what the story would be with the Title,
"God's Love Wins...Again. As part of the SSNET volunteer staff, I have seen your comments come in on other posts, and appreciated them, and I am truly blessed by reading your post, and will be blessed as I see the comments come in on this post. Your story helps to give me the courage to be as honest and direct when I tell my own story, and to not hide or pretend about the details with which I am uncomfortable.
My prayer for you is to hang onto that faith that God gave you and never, ever give it up. We are headed for tougher times ahead, but when we look at how God led us in the past, and how He is leading us today, we will not fear for the future.
Thank you for having the courage to share the details of your story.
Thank you for your reply, Jane. I am thrilled that hearing my testimony has given you courage in the giving of your own. In these tougher times we will be facing soon, our testimonies will be even more precious than they are now. Imagine being called to the witness stand and, will the universe watching, testifying for our loving Creator! What an awesome privilege.
Dear Jane,
I hope you will have the courage to share your story sometime. I'm sure God will give you the courage when it is the right time. These stories are such a means of encouragement, especially to us parents whose children were raised SDA and have strayed. I appreciate this SSNET ministry very much. I pray God's blessings on this ministry!
Thanks for sharing your testimony. I also, have grown up in the church, and had strayed, then found Jesus Christ all anew. What I have come discover through my own experience and my study of youth in the church over the years, is this. I had been essentially taught the supremacy of the Ten Commandments as a source and standard of righteousness. Mentally, I lifted up a checklist of do's and don'ts and a "Christian" life based on performance, actions and works. In doing so, I did not know and had not discovered that God is calling me to a walk of faith, and to righteousness by faith. Israel pursued righteousness based on the law, Rom 9:30-32, and failed. The law was their source of righteousness - Deut 6:25. But Rom 3:21-22 gave me hope in discovering that the righteousness God had for me, was through faith in Jesus. Then Rom 3:24-28 and Gal 2:16 taught me that my justification by faith was given apart from the deeds of the law. I now live with God's peace talked about in Rom 5:1, and 1 Cor 6:11. By God's grace I walk in accordance with the spirit and freedom in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1-4.) Not that I have thrown out the law; God forbid, but I have come to see a power greater than law which is the indwelling of God's Holy Spirit, which is empowering me to live the live He wants me to live. I look to Jesus to keep me and sustain me in my walk. It doesn't mean that I do not slip and fall, but I rejoice in knowing that I have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous (1 John 2:1) who keeps me Jude 24. My hope has now been firmly planted in Christ and not in the deeds of the law.
A great inspiration.I was on my journey to hav pornograph.I hav been an addict of masturbation for six years now.From your story l can find hope.
l have been praying to stop it sincr then but l had not overcomed.Please pray for me.Am in state of hating marriage because of masturbation.I dont want to get marrief because am sure l wont satisfy my partner.
Am in my 27 year.Have been in church always .Have been active but l hav always hated my secret sins.I felt like leaving church completly..
Stay the course. A day at a time. God will grant you grace and victory through Jesus Christ. Stay the course. Don't give up. God will bless you. Amen.
Isaac, I have been where you are. You are caught in a trap that seems impossible to escape. Your church and your conscience both tell you that what you are doing is wrong and that you should be able to just stop. Even with all your determined, extraordinary attempts to stop sinning, you still find yourself in a downward spiral of shame and guilt that feels like it will crush you if something doesn't happen. There is only one Person I know who has the power to make it stop - our great Healer.
I can't tell you how to make it stop, Isaac. I do know what made it stop for me. It was the love of God demonstrated by the death of his Son on the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit. God did all the work. He forgave me and, in that very same moment, He took away all of the guilt and shame that was crushing my heart and soul. All I did was said, "Yes" then let Him takeover; I chose to submit to Him. Jesus asked the man with the infirmity at the pool of Bethesda, "Wilt thou be made whole?" (John 15:6) Listen and see if He isn't asking you this right now. When He does ask, submit to His love and say "Yes". Then thank Him.
I am praying for you, brother.
There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Emmanuel’s veins;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains.
Lose all their guilty stains,
Lose all their guilty stains;
And sinners plunged beneath that flood
Lose all their guilty stains.
The dying thief rejoiced to see
That fountain in his day;
And there have I, though vile as he,
Washed all my sins away.
Washed all my sins away,
Washed all my sins away;
And there have I, though vile as he,
Washed all my sins away.
Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging us. Indeed, for us all who have experienced God's love for us daily, we should be talking about Him much more to each other and to those who do not yet know Him, or His power. Thank you for reminding us that God is a miracle worker! Even today! Nothing is impossible with God. NOTHING! Let us keep on serving Him, worshipping Him..... let us pray for each other, and encourage each other, especially in our families. God bless you all.
Your testimony is refreshing and encouraging! It seems the world is growing darker and more resistant to Christ message of grace and hope. It's difficult not to feel jaded from all of this, but I thank God I read your uplifting post.
I understand what you mean, Bensheh. The world is definitely growing darker in many respects. I praise God that you found the post uplifting. As I am sure I don't need to tell you, I am merely bearing witness to what Jesus has done and is doing in me. All glory to our almighty Father.
It's been over three months now that I've discovered this site. It's a tremendous blessing in my understanding of the lessons. I'm touched this evening after reading your testimony and crying as I write. I've not left the church but my lifestyle is far from pleasing to God. At times I feel like God doesnt care but I know He's the only one that can help me. I've fallen in love with someone I've no business been with and we ended it just two weeks ago. I feel used, abused, confused and refused. All my life I've been giving and will give my very last for the happiness of others but no one goes to that length for me...It's too much to share and I hope and pray that I will be in love with God again! Please pray for me and continue to share thru this wonderful ministry. God bless!
Nikky, I praise God that He gave you the courage to share your experience and feelings with us. My prayer for you is that this text will find its way deep into your heart: "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee." Jer. 31:3 There is nothing we can do that will make Him love us more than He already does. The only thing we can offer Him is for us to say, "Yes" to His everlasting love. He is drawing you with His lovingkindness even now. Say "Yes" and keep saying "Yes"; He will do the rest. I can testify to this, as you just read. "And this is life eternal; that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent." John 17:3 Say "Yes." Let God win again.
Hi Jeffrey thanks for the testimony by everyone has being given such chance praise God bcos satan wanted u death, I got a brother who grow up as in Adventist believe but at teenage age he left a church and start taking drugs up until now and he lost his job 9 years ago and never work again because of drugs. Do u think he can change he is now 40 years old . Bethuel from South Africa in Mbombela
The "bad" news, Bethuel, is that your brother cannot change. The very GOOD news is that we have a God who is eager to change him (and us!). "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9. Your brother can't change but, if he believes the Word of God, he will BE changed. Keep praying for your brother. If you have family members who believe, ask them to pray with you for your brother. Remember that our God "is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." (Eph. 3:20) In all things, give glory to our Father.
Glory to God
This is an encouraging testimony for anyone, like myself, who has gone through the motions and appearance of Christianity but didn't truly have a personal relationship with God. Relationship is what it is all about. Being a follower of Christ is not ritualistically following a list of rules, but building a relationship with Him by reading His word and allowing His spirit to guide your heart and footsteps. Then and only then will obedience, which is the highest praise, become second nature. And yes we do and will stumble, but by God's grace we can get right back up again and claim His promises. I thank God for not giving up on me in my not so perfect walk with Him. So hang in there, because a TRUE relationship with the Father (singing) is worth fighting for!
I really appreciate the point you made re: your father's prayers for you. I believe it DOES somehow give God a more open field of influence with those for whom we pray. We are engaged in a battle between good and evil. God wages war from a standpoint of love. It's His modus operandi. The enemy doesn't operate that way.
I appreciate and agree with your reply, Diane. It would be too easy to write several paragraphs regarding the Great Controversy between Christ and Satan, spiritual warfare, rules of engagement, etc. The bottom line is that God let Satan be the dragon, but the Lamb still wins.
Jeffrey thank you for your soul stirring testimony. It has revived hope and joy in my heart about the all conquering power of the Lamb - love. Praise the LORD. May GOD continue to use you mightily as you redeem the years the 'cankerworm and the locust had eaten'
As you intimated in your article we often do not dedicate sufficient space to offer true praise and hence worship to GOD Who is our 'exceeding joy' Psalm 43:4
I get on the site normally to download the weekly lesson... at this time the Lesson was not available yet... thus I decided to read something in it... and I got to your story... specific, direct, wrapped up, clean, "that's it", simple!
My life has also being a fight! With moments of glory and moments of downfall... but I praise God because I'm still alive... and besides all the craziness that I have been through, He is always there to grab my hand... it is a miracle every day!
I'm still learning about my limitations... and I've been learning to stop fighting on my own! once the hardest thing seems to be to surrender all, as you said "every"thing!
In a grasp of thought, sometimes, I have this feeling that nothing happens by chance! And a few times, when I am getting angry within myself, there comes peace!
We do not know the future! We barely know today! But it will be a wonderful surprise to see Him face to face!
Thank you
I appreciate the thoughts and feelings you express in your response, Joao. One of my favorite texts when I forget that it is not my fight is Ex. 14:14. "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." Satan desperately wants us to believe that our fight is with him. The fight is between Christ and Satan, and Christ has already won! Our "job" is to constantly and consistently choose to submit the Winner.
Tanx Jeffrey, have a great week!
Let us praise God for Jeffrey's deliverance and also keep accepting Him to also take the lead in our Sinful Lives. As Seventh-Day Adventists, Jeffrey's former self-sufficiency or 'I know it all' mindset is a 'spiritual trap' that we all need to be escaping on a daily basis. We can do so through our continued complexity of fellowship-engagements especially during our daily Prayers, the Sabbath Bible Lesson and Afternoon Discussions among other SDA church-enabled opportunities. The Good News is that our Gracious Father is always there as our main provider of such strategic solutions till His 2nd Coming and in New Jerusalem.
Thank you Jeffrey, I needed to hear this.
Amazing story of God's persistence and love. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for encouraging us parents to never stop praying for our children. I am inspired by your testimony. Praise the Lord.
I was touched by your testimony Jeffery. Thanks for giving it to us. Many years ago I read a story about a retired captain of a ship. As often happened in those days, retired captains continued to sail on ships after retirement in the retired captains quarters. Sailing was in their blood. He was a ruff old captain. One day he saw the chaplin walking by and said, "I want to talk with you. I have seen your peace, hope, and love, I want that too." The chaplain took him a Bible and opened it to John 1:1 and said, "start reading, I will be back in 2 weeks." The chaplin returned to the old captains quarters in two weeks like he had promised and found the captains head slumped over on his Bible, pen still in hand. He took the Bible and found it open to John 3:16. It was neatly underlined from John 1:1 to John 3:16 and John 3:16 was underlined twice. I am looking forward to talking to that captain after the roll is called up younder someday soon. I believe the captain learned of God in chapters 1 and 2 and chaper 3:1-15 He accepted the invatation and put on the wedding garment of Matthew 22. "all who upon examination are seen to have the wedding garment on are accepted of God and accounted worthy of a share in His kingdom and a seat upon His throne."GC428. John 3:16 gave him the hope, peace, and love he was looking for. Don't get me wrong I do appreciate your conversion with John 14 and on. I too am thankful for my father and mothers prayers, and look forward to being together again, when we will never part again.
Stay with Jesus,
God Bless.
As I read your life story Jeffrey, I couldn't wait to respond to your invitation to share my story, very similar to yours of what God is doing for sinners who have reached the end of their attemp to make it to heaven on their own efforts, just to find a roadblock leading to discorragemen and defeat. But thank God through Jesus our Lord there is a way. All the step you mentioned are truly steps to a true conversation experience brought about by the Holy Spirit. As SDA I have just recently come to recognized that our salvation comes through faith in Jesus and what he did for us on the cross. That as important as God's law is in our lives, it is Jesus who saves us as we accept his precious gift, through faith. Rom. 3:21-24. Developing and maitaining a relatiinship with Jesus, through his word, prayer, meditation, daily surrendering to his will, is key to our spiritual survival. Thanks for sharing. Your story resonates with me.
Praise God! He never gives up on us. I know someone close to me who he going through similar experience although not yet at the point of total surrender but struggling with similar sins and burdens. I will send hime the link to your testimony with hope to encourage him that God can do the same for him. Please pray that it may touch his hart! Bellow is a powerful read from EGW daily devotional "Faith I Live By" for April 22. God bless!
Faith I Live By “If Any Man Sin—”, April 22
If any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 1 John 2:1.
When we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ, we shall have no relish for sin; for Christ will be working with us. We may make mistakes, but we will hate the sin that caused the suffering of the Son of God.
If one who daily communes with God errs from the path, if he turns a moment from looking steadfastly unto Jesus, it is not because he sins willfully; for when he sees his mistake, he turns again, and fastens his eyes upon Jesus, and the fact that he has erred does not make him less dear to the heart of God. He knows that he has communion with the Saviour; and when reproved for his mistake in some matter of judgment, he does not walk sullenly, and complain of God, but turns the mistake into a victory.
There are those who have known the pardoning love of Christ, and who really desire to be children of God, yet they realize that their character is imperfect, their life faulty, and they are ready to doubt whether their hearts have been renewed by the Holy Spirit. To such I would say, Do not draw back in despair. We shall often have to bow down and weep at the feet of Jesus because of our shortcomings and mistakes; but we are not to be discouraged. Even if we are overcome by the enemy, we are not cast off, not forsaken and rejected of God. No; Christ is at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Said the beloved John, “These things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.” And do not forget the words of Christ, “The Father himself loveth you.” John 16:27. He desires to restore you to Himself, to see His own purity and holiness reflected in you. And if you will but yield yourself to Him, He that hath begun a good work in you will carry it forward to the day of Jesus Christ.
All sin ... may be overcome by the Holy Spirit's power.
That is indeed a powerful passage, Aleksandar! Amazing how it just happened to pop up yesterday. 🙂 I have already prayed for your friend. You can't convince him, this testimony can't convince him. Only the Holy Spirit can convict and correct. At the same time, the Holy Spirit does use testimonies like this and He also uses you to do His work for your friend. Don't forget that our gracious, longsuffering Father wills that everyone will be saved (1 Tim. 2:4), including your friend. I am praying for you, too, Aleksandar. Be strong and faithful. Let Jesus show Himself to your friend through you. All for our Father's glory!
Praise God! Thank you for your prayer and encouragement.
Praise God!
To God Be The Glory!! Thanks for Sharing your Testimony, It shows me that God never gives up on his children. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.(2Peter 3:9) Even at our lowest moments he is always there to comfort and provide. Continue to let God use you until his return.
May God Continue to bless you!!!
He's always there to brighten up your day
Always there in every way
When its cold and dreary
And your faith is growing weary
You dont have to be afraid
Hes always there, just ask for what you need
Hell be there if you believe
Open up your heart, invite Him to come in
Hell turn your life around
And change you from within, waiting to care
Hes always there, ooh, ooh
Hes always there to comfort and provide
Hes always there right by your side
To help you face tomorrow
Through all the joy and sorrow
His love you cant deny
Hes always there, just ask for what you need
Hell be there if you believe
Open up your heart, invite Him to come in and
Hell turn your life around, hey
Open up your heart, invite Him to come in and
Hell turn your life around
And hell change you from within, waiting to care
Hes always there
CeCe Winans - He's Always There Lyrics
Thank you for sharing your testimony, I really enjoyed it. It gave hope that one day one of my brothers who has been using drugs for a long time can experience the love of God as well as you. Pray for him please, his name is Arnoldo Clark.