Tuesday: God’s Provision: Part 2
Throughout salvation history, starting with the first gospel promise

Image © Janet Hyun from GoodSalt.com
(Gen. 3:15), through the early sacrificial system (Gen. 4:4), the covenant with Abram (Gen. 12:1-3), and then the Israelite sanctuary service (Exod. 25:8)-everything was to point to, and climax in, the life, death, resurrection, and heavenly ministry of Jesus Christ, God’s ultimate provision to solve the sin problem.
The seriousness of the sin problem can, perhaps, be best understood only when we grasp just what it took-the Cross-in order for it to be solved. The Cross alone proves the utter futility of humanity to solve the sin problem by itself. An extreme situation called for an extreme solution, and the death of Christ, God bearing in Himself our sins, is about as extreme a measure as could possibly be imagined.
Christ’s sacrificial death is presented in Scripture as an atonement for sin, i.e., the means by which the sin problem in all its manifestations is ultimately dealt with. How does the death of Christ provide for man’s need of salvation? Explore this question from the following perspectives:
1. Justification/Reconciliation (right standing before God): See Luke 18:9-14; Isa. 53:4-7; Rom. 3:19-24, 28; Zech. 3:1-4.
2. Sanctification/Regeneration (living right before God): See 1 Cor. 6:8-11, Rom. 6:1-8.
3. Glorification (assurance of resurrection to eternal life): See John 5:24-25; 1 John 5:9-13; 1 Thess. 4:16-17.
Dwell more on the fact that sin is so bad that it took the Cross to save us from the ultimate results, eternal death. How should keeping the Cross before us at all times be a deterrent to sin?

Robert, it's only Monday today, and we post the lessons for each day for the purpose of daily study. (We post in time for Bible students on the other side of the world to get the lessons on their day.)
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The sanctuary maybe complicated and drawn out, however it is our rendition of salvation, worth a thoughtful study. Confession, repentance, forgiving spirit, consecration, baptism, growing in Christ without losing connection, and keeping a watchful eye are found in the study of the Sanctuary. 1 Corinthians 16:13.
the lesson: nothing shall separate us from the love of God- not even death. a time is coming when all the dead in Christ shall rise to die no more. Blessed hope
We may say also:
Justification -- Right standing before God.
Sanctification -- Right living before God.
Glorification -- Right placement with God.