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Grace And Addiction — 8 Comments

  1. Nice morning message. It's a wonderful message to know that all things are possible through God. Simply asking for forgiveness is only the first step, but also making changes in your life to be a better person comes along with it. When I start my day with personal worship with Jesus, everything seems to fall in line much better than when I'm rushed out the door and don't have time for a daily message.

    When we're in the moments of temptation or situations to potentially hurt or slight others, it's good to take a pause and listen to what God is saying to your heart, rather than just acting out of haste or emotion. In my profession we encourage a "clinical pause" when all the tests are back prior to discharging or admitting the patient as it can have a significant impact on the care you deliver. I would encourage us to take a "situational or life pause" when these moments of temptation or frustration occur so you can listen to God's message rather than our own sinful hearts.

    Dr. Jeff
    Emergency Physician

      • No, but your name sounds familiar to me also. Grew up in Chicagoland then out west for school, back to Michigan then back out west. Adventist world is small, so I'm sure we've crossed somewhere.

        Have a wonderful Sabbath!


  2. Thanks so very much William. Had a wonderful victory two weeks ago over an addictive behavior that God has helped me overcome. The desire returned one night and as I struggled and almost gave in I cried out in desperation to God and He heard me. The desire left me immediately and has not returned since. I know that it may come up again some time in the future but now I know that with God’s power I can win. Sabbath blessings.

    • Amen Eudora! The desire or temptation may very well come again. Dying to self is a daily battle (Luke 9:23). Even Jesus was tempted and we will be too, but by His grace we can overcome even as He overcame. "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." Revelation 3:21 KJV

  3. I start my day with prayer. I ask God to be with me throughout the day to help with all my needs, and thank Him for hearing and answering my prayers. At my advanced age, many temptations are no longer an issue. I ask for guidance in all my decisions and that they are acceptable. No sinful addictions here.

  4. "When we fall and get discouraged and ask Jesus for forgiveness for the umpteenth time" I used to think I'm "spinning top in mud" Forget it! Do your own thing! That didn't work either. God's way is not only the best but the only way to true peace. I thank God it's a journey and not a destination. I thank God even more for you. There has never been a time when my visit to this site did not encourage

  5. Great issue to raise William.

    What is God's grace?

    At its most basic, God's grace is His abundant eager willingness to give us another chance to do the right/good/healthy thing instead. God's grace gives another chance, and another chance, and another chance, and so on.

    From God's perspective, their is no limit to the number of grace-based second chances He will give us - because God's forgiveness is unlimited (see Matt 18:22; Lk 23:34; Eph 4:32).

    The limiting factor is however on our side. We will either eventually make the necessary healthy change away from our 'addiction' or we will eventually become so set (hardened) in our 'addictive' ways that the inherent consequences of those ways will eventually destroy us - and sadly all to often others in the process (Gal 6:8; Jas 1:14-15).


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