Thursday: The Great Controversy Ended
The entire book of Revelation can be summarized in just a few words: Jesus wins, Satan loses .

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Read Revelation 12:17; 17:13-14; 19:11-16. What is the central message of these passages?
Here is good news: the same Jesus who defeated Satan on the cross will come again and triumph over the powers of hell and put a full end to evil (Rev. 19:19-21; Ezek. 28:18-19). Evil will not have the last word. Poverty and pestilence will not have the last word. Sickness and suffering will not have the last word. Chaos and crime will not have the last word. Disease and death will not have the last word.
Instead, God will.
Until then, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are doing everything possible to reach every person. God’s heart aches over a lost world. Soon His people will reveal to the world, in both the witness of their words and their works, Jesus’ amazing grace and truth.
Of course, Satan will do everything in His power to oppose this witness. The final crisis will break upon this world. Jesus will pour out His Spirit in latter-rain power, and the work of God on earth will be finished.
“Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will be given. Miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and signs and wonders will follow the believers.”-Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, p. 612.
The work of God on earth will be finished. Jesus will come. All heaven and earth will rejoice. There is no more important priority in our lives than experiencing a revival of God’s grace in our hearts daily and inviting His Holy Spirit to make us into His image (1 John 3:1-3).
Our world is falling apart. Who can’t see that? Is there anything that matters more than opening our hearts to Jesus and pleading for the revival and reformation so needed, not just by each one of us individually but by our church as a whole? What would happen if our own hearts were totally surrendered to Him and we were completely devoted to spreading this message to the world?

our minds are the centre of most major wars. so for us to be at the wining side, we need to position ourselves aright so as to receive a direct ray from above which will reflect in ours the express image of God.
our mission is not an easy one because satan is alive and awake so he will interpose in our promulgating the everlasting gospel. some of us like john mark will stop on the way when faced with challenges and tribulations but the who bids us go, abides with us by the presence of the holy spirit.
then at last, when our vision for the mission is completed, the race of life ended and the victorious song our tongues employ, oh! Christ has won over satan again and satan has to accept the defeat because the war fought so far has ended. life eternal will be the rich reward of Gods faithful workers.
but untill then, my brethern let us put on the whole amour for God to withstand what soever will come our way in curse of been faithful to God. very soon the great controversy will end in our favour and we will walk on the city of God.
God bless mark finley for being a blessing to the adventist fold, and bless you reading this comment and bless adventist family at large. meet you in heaven some day.
This Thursday aspect of the lesson gives every true Christians hope that our Redeemer, faithful and just one, the king of kings remains the winner forever while satan and its agents(false prophets and those that heed to them) remains the loser even unto the end of the world. That no matter how hard, rough and narrow the road may be now, the greatest joy is that we will end it all in songs of victory and praise.
There is no other better thought than thinking God as the ultimate victor when we conclude our Revival Quarter.
Rev. 17: 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”
It is true that the Great Controversy is still going on. In fact, it is getting fiercer than before as we are approaching to the end of ages. Yet, we should always keep in mind that God will bring His plan of salvation into fruition through His glorious power. When we keep this picture of God and His action in our mind, we will always experience revival and renewal. The following are three reasons why this is true.
1. When we think God as the ultimate victor, we don’t give up on our spiritual development.
2. When we think of God as the ultimate victor, we don’t lose hope on our mission progress.
3. When we think of God as the ultimate victor, we don’t get afraid of our defeated enemy.
May God help us to see Him as who He really is. That vision of God is the unfailing source of Revival and Reformation!
Most of us Christians the problem is not satan but us who are showing satan that we are the potetial candidates. The way we live and think we are not in harmony with the law of GOD. If we allow the Holy Spirit to control our minds the great controvesy will be a walkover because Jesus our captain fought it in the wilderness and at the cross and in the grave and won the war. May the Lord give us power to listen when the Holy Spirit is speaking to us, may our day to day way of living bring light to the world.
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the great battle began way back in the garden of eden when our first parents ate the forbiden fruit. The subject of the was immedietly introduced when an innocent lamb was killed to cover up their shame and sanctify them. Therefor the sanctuary is all i need as a sinner to find favour before God....
i am well bless and so interested in this study,its like ive been through all the ups & downs by living in this world and after all there is a God that he is there to ear our prayers,to love me again and at the same time can be my father.