

Homesick — 7 Comments

  1. I am spending my first Sabbath away from my family at university and I am feeling homesick. This was very appropriate and warming to my heart, to read. Thank you and Happy Sabbath.

    • Savannah I am praying for God to be with you this weekend and comfort you. This is an exciting time in your life. You may feel alone, but as you enter college you will now be making friends that will be your friends for the rest of your life! I pray this weekend you will meet some people who will be your best friends for the rest of your life!

    • Happy Sabbath, Savannah!! Away from home and at school is a big change, isn't it? Thanks for joining us here. I'm praying for you as you start your new life and make new friends. I'm sure you will be busy where you are now, but always know you are welcome here!!

  2. Thank you for this great piece Lillianne. Maybe one reason the prodigal son did not think he would be welcomed back home is because He thought his father was like Him. He thought since I rejected my father my father will reject me. Thankfully we have a Father whose ways are so much higher than our ways, and His thoughts of mercy are so much greater than our thoughts of "I'm going to treat you the way you treated me."

  3. Lillian, homesickness is something most of us can relate to well! Thank you for taking time to write this and make the story of the prodigal a little more real. I love the thought that God is never further than one step away from us no matter how far we have gone or how many times we have failed Him!! So wonderful to know He is Love, and that love is for each of us!

  4. Hi Lopez,
    I don't want to lie because this article has impressed me a great deal. Though I had read white's writing long before, thanks for reminding me.
    I have a totally different feet from that of the prodigal son.
    I at first felt longing for my family but that didnt last since I found a new family~sda adventists.
    I've since then wanted to be with them in the family but I am waiting for GOD to convict them of their faith.

  5. Hi Lillian love the article,I think about Abram and Jacob leaving Home. But unless you leave home you won't begin to understand how good God is to let you come back.When you've spent all your money ,you will loose all of your so call friends.But good is good, there is A friend that is closer than a brother. Don't forget the brother, But the Lord Love both of them.He said in His word return unto me and I will return unto you. Who wouldn't Love a God like that. Thank you JESUS.


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