Inside Story: A Genuine Sacrifice? ~ Part 4
A Genuine Sacrifice? Part 4
By Andrew McChesney
About a year passed. Almira prayed and read the Bible every night to keep the evil spirit at bay. She attended church every Sabbath, enduring painful criticism and even threats from parents, relatives, and neighbors. But the rest of her life remained unchanged. She went to school on weekdays and often partied with friends at clubs on nights and weekends.
At 18, Almira reached a crossroads in her Christian faith. She came across a question that she could not answer. She couldn’t understand why the Bible called Jesus’ death a sacrifice. To her, Jesus’ death didn’t seem like a sacrifice. While He was cruelly persecuted and crucified, He surely knew that he would be resurrected, so how was His death a sacrifice? In contrast, Almira faced persecution every Sabbath, and she felt like she had sacrificed her relationship with her parents, relatives, and friends for Jesus. She had no idea how her story would end. She seemed to have made a greater sacrifice.
Stumped, she prayed for an answer. “Jesus,” she said, “I have read that I need to openly tell You about my worries and You will answer. Here’s what I propose: I will read about Your life in the gospels and The Desire of Ages every day. Please reveal to me what Your death on the cross means and why Your sacrifice was so great.”
Almira didn’t really want to read the Bible or Ellen White’s The Desire of Ages, but she forced herself to read both every day. At first, she fought boredom as she read. She didn’t have a close relationship with Jesus. Even though she worshiped on Sabbath, she lived her own life during the week.
Almira kept reading and finally found an answer. She read in The Desire of Ages, “Satan with his fierce temptations wrung the heart of Jesus. The Saviour could not see through the portals of the tomb. Hope did not present to Him His coming forth from the grave a conqueror, or tell Him of the Father’s acceptance of the sacrifice. He feared that sin was so offensive to God that Their separation was to be eternal” (753).
This was the answer to her prayer. Jesus also had been afraid that He would die forever, but He had been ready to take the risk for her. It struck her that He had not known the end, just as she did not know how her story would end. But He had risked His eternal life to save her.
Amazed by such infinite love, she poured out her heart in prayer. “Jesus, even if no one else on earth follows You, I will follow You,” she said.
She decided to give her life to Jesus in baptism.
Read more about Almira next week. Thank you for your mission offerings that help spread the gospel in Russia and around the world.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission. Find more mission stories at adventistmission[dot]org

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