Inside Story: A New Calling
Harshu Kamble
I was a religious and political leader in my village in western India. The people in the village looked up to me. I had a good-paying job selling alcohol, and I tasted plenty of alcohol myself. But in spite of my standing in the village, I felt spiritually unfulfilled.
Then one day an Adventist pastor visited the village. I’d never heard of Adventists before, but this pastor went from home to home sharing God’s love with us. I listened with interest as he told me that Jesus Christ could give me deliverance from alcohol and fill me with God’s peace.
I was excited about this news and told others what this pastor was telling me. But some people didn’t like what he was saying to the villagers; they turned against him and beat him. But three months later the pastor returned to the village and visited me. This time no one tried to stop him. He held meetings, and about 50 people came to hear him speak of the love of God.
I was touched by what the pastor said and I wondered how these people could have beaten this man. I saw the Holy Spirit at work as some of the very people who had beaten the pastor were now listening to him preach God’s Word.
I wanted to become a Christian and asked the man what I must do. He told me to close my liquor business and accept Jesus as my Savior. I did just that and asked for baptism. Within six months 45 other people were baptized as well.
We built a small village church, where I enjoyed worshipping and learning the Bible. Then a year later the man who had led me to Christ called me to serve God as a Global Mission pioneer. I accepted the challenge with joy.
So far I’ve worked in seven villages, all of which worship in the same religion I once did. As of today some 150 people have accepted the wonderful message of God’s love and been baptized. God is blessing me wherever I go. The people listen to the message of God that He has asked me to deliver, and I pray that they will give their hearts to God as I did.
Your mission offerings help support these groups of new believers. Thank you for making it possible to reach many people with God’s incredible love.
Harshu Kamble shares his faith in Maharashtra, western India.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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