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Inside Story – The Banner Man — 16 Comments

  1. I think this is great. You are spreading the word in a powerful way. Keep up the good work. May the Lord, Bless and Keep you.

    I admire your creativity. This is a great way to spread the message in a non threatening way. It gives a person a chance to pray about what they have seen and will lead many to at least ask questions and come to know who Adventist are and what we believe. So many people read the Bible without understanding it. If nothing else the sign will draw people to spend more time in reading and understanding the Bible.

  2. If Adventists could be true adventists and stand to evangelize without fear like song sungsub Jesus could have come.

  3. Glory be to God , thank you for an inspirational evengelism, if only we can use the small but effective gestures about our Advent trueth more souls will be turned to God’s truth.

  4. That's one simple but brilliant way of spreading God's message. It was well delivered. God must be so happy with what you've done. Continue it and may you be able to bring more souls in God's grace. God bless you and your mission. Happy Sabbath!

  5. Why is it that people read the Bible but don't understand what is written in plain simple language?(I don't mean some prophetic passages ). You don't have to be an English Major, even someone with only a a grade school education would not be that dumb.

    Could it be that there is a supernatural agency at work? I would be interested to read what other folk have to say, God bless you all.

    • Yes, there are two supernatural agencies at work in the understanding of truth, besides the human element. The human element, particularly our willingness to obey the truth (John 7:17), is perhaps the most important because our choices limit the actions of both the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9-14) and Satan (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). This is not an issue of intellect. Otherwise, why would the message to the Laodiceans counsel that we are blind and in need of the heavenly eye-salve? (Revelation 3:17-18)

  6. I've been trying to do the same on shirts. But my message is not Sabbath, but "Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light."with Jesus picture on them. So far it didn't work because I've tried to sell them to some Adventist but they refused to wear it. They said it was an absurd idea to endanger themselves wearing such a message in a country in which its population mainly moslems.

    • I pray God will be with you and give you courage as you seek to share the gospel in your country. May you be filled with His Holy Spirit and through you may His love spread to everyone around you! I understand the fear of your fellow Adventists. I hope they seek God's courage as well. God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of courage!

    • Perhaps a different message would be more successful (and accepted to be worn by fellow Adventists) in your area, one which is a bridge builder rather than a challenge. Perhaps "Who are the People of the Book?"

  7. I would like to make a comment about what John Kriskans asked as I have often wondered this myself. "Why is it that people read the Bible but don't understand what is written in plain simple language?" Also, "Could it be that there is a supernatural agency at work?"
    Some people don't have the "eyes to see" or the "ears to hear" because they are spiritually blind/deaf. Unless a person allows God to live in them and be born again, the Holy Spirit can not reveal the Truth to them. So far as the supernatural agency at work, that would be the devil. He is always trying to get people to believe lies, half truths or ideas of the world instead of studying God's word and laws. People don't want to read the Bible because they perceive that it would cause them to be restricted and require change and no one wants that even though change is inevitable. God's laws are actually freeing and protective and carries blessings! David and Moses loved God's laws and how were their lives? God is good and perfect and so are His Laws and when keep them, we show that we love Him and that we are His people and He protects us and will return to take the ones that do His Will and keep His Commandments which include all of the statutes and ordinances, the Feasts and the Festivals. God speed!

  8. This is wonderful and bravery, may our Wonderful Saviour grant ua with this everlasting wisdom of trying to attract His children who are in need of being saved, so tht they cannot be lost foe ever.

  9. Great work.I pray that God give u good health always so that you may be able 2 continue with this mission.AMEN

  10. This is a great innovation. Fellow Adventists, let us wake up from our slumber lift up Jesus in similar manner in order to finish the work now. We are tired of this sinful world.


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