Inside Story: Courageous Little Evangelist
I’m Amir, a missionary in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I was asked to hold evangelistic meetings in a village in the Congo, where I stayed with the pastor and his family.
Early every morning my evangelistic team and I gathered for prayer before setting out to visit people and study the Bible with them before they left to work in their fields. I noticed that Genick, the pastor’s 12-year-old son, joined us for prayer. When we left the house to visit people, Genick came with us. But when he turned off the path, I assumed that he was going to play with his friends.
So when Genick told me that he and two of his friends were giving Bible studies to several people-including a professor-I was surprised. I wondered if it could be true. Genick asked me to go with him to visit the professor’s family and answer some questions they had. I gladly followed him to the professor’s home.
The family greeted us warmly, and I watched with deep interest as Genick led them through another Bible study. He quoted one Bible verse after another to explain the Bible lesson. The professor praised Genick and his friends, who had been coming to his house every day to study the Bible. “I now understand why the Adventist Church is growing so fast-because even your children have the courage to give Bible studies!” the professor said.
We spent several hours talking about some of the Bible truths Genick and his friends had presented to the family and answering their questions. I was impressed with the courage and faithfulness of Genick and his friends. They gave me new insight into the role of young people in the mission of God’s church.
So far some 36 people have been baptized into the church in this village. And although the professor has not yet taken his stand for truth, he has promised to continue studying the Bible with his family.
As for Genick and his friends, I’m sure that God has great plans for them. Already Genick has been appointed children’s ministries leader in his church district.
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Amir Gulzar and his family are missionaries from Pakistan to the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he teaches business and computer science at the Adventist university in Lukanga.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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Wow! Courageous Little Evangelist!!... This could be a good example for our young people today. It is so amazing how God uses both young and old to spread his word to all nations wide before the end comes. May God bless the Courageous Little Evangelist.
It is so good to hear about children memorizing verses so they can give Bible studies even without the availability of a Bible in hand. I wish that more children in our country would take the time to study their Sabbath School lessons and learn their memory verses! It would also be good if more parents took the time to help and encourage them in this endeavor.
The work God has began in us, He shall surely accomplish. Keep it up little children as you keep God close, H'ell forever be close to you too. Be blessed.