Inside Story: Faithful Renalto
Renalto and his parents live in a town on the beach in northern Peru. When he was 8 years old, his mother lost her job. The family faced difficult financial times. Renalto’s younger brother was sick, and Mother had to stay home with him. So Renalto walked the few blocks to church alone. He prayed that God would help his family be able to attend church together again.

Courtesy of GC Office of Adventist Mission
Then an Adventist couple moved into a home on the beach near Renalto’s home. They learned that Renalto’s mother was a cook and invited her to open a restaurant on the porch of their home. You can even rent part of our house,
the couple said. That way you’ll be close to your work and your children.
The family moved into the couple’s home, and his mother’s restaurant has become well known among tourists visiting the beach. Father completed his studies and found a better job. At last Renalto and his family could attend worship together in the little Adventist church in town.
The Adventist couple invited Renalto to study the Bible with them, and he accepted. Renalto invited some of his classmates to study the Bible with him. But when Renalto asked his Adventist friends to study with his classmates, they urged him to have his own small group. We’ll help you,
they encouraged.
Renalto began studying with his friends. More children came, and the group grew. When the studies ended, Renalto and Sandra, one of his classmates, were baptized together. Sandra invited Renalto to start a small group in her house. Soon another small group had formed.
Sandra’s father was not a Christian, but he had seen the changes in Sandra’s life. He listened to the children’s small-group discussions, and in time he accepted Jesus as his Savior. Sandra’s parents began worshipping in the little Adventist church too. Her parents invited some of their friends to the children’s small group, and soon it had more adults than children. A woman in the church offered to lead the adults in their own group. Today 15 to 18 people attend the adult small group every week.
Renalto and Sandra’s small group has moved to the church, where 25 or more children, many from the neighborhood, attend every week. Renalto helps lead the group, though he is one of the youngest there. He tells them, Remember when I invited you to the small group? Now it’s your turn to invite your friends to come.
And in this way the group has grown.
In 2012 part of a Thirteenth Sabbath Offering helped provide teaching materials for children who lead small groups in Peru. Thank you for making it possible to share God’s love with others through this successful program in Peru and throughout South America.

It's true that God is working with those who were ready and surander their life to God through Jesus doesn't depend on age or accademic standard.
when GOD want to used you no one cant stop it. it's true that our youth don't want to work for Jesus, but let pray for them and strengthen their faith. amen
This reminds me of my sister's experience many decades ago in the country of Argentina. She asked my dad to build her a home in a location where there were no Adventists, and told him she wanted the living room to be the largest room in the house. My dad asked her for the reason, and she explained that she was planning to use her home for children evangelism.
My sister was a nurse, and she would quite often offer her services free to poor families. As time went on, everybody became acquainted with her service of love to those in need. Then she invited the children for an afternoon of stories and songs.
The children's parents decided to find out why their kids loved those Sabbath afternoon sessions so much and began to accompany their children to the meetings.
Of course, her large living room became rather small, and to make the story short, the people decided that it was time to build an Adventist church for the community.
Great story, a little child shall lead them.