Inside Story: For God Alone
Jordy is 12 years old and lives in Ecuador. Although his family has suffered much, he feels that he is blessed, for his parents have shown him how to live for God alone.
His mother has a painful disease that has left her unable to walk. In spite of her pain, her love for Jesus shines through everything she does. And last year his father lost his job, so the family had no income. But they don’t blame God for their problems. Instead, they praise Him for providing for their needs.
Jordy’s parents sold their house and moved into a one-room apartment in order to pay for his mother’s medical treatments. But Jordy doesn’t mind. “My mother is more important than any house!” he says. “When we can’t see how we’ll manage, we remind ourselves that God provides for the sparrows. Surely He will provide for us, too. I give my worries to God and let Him handle things. Sometimes we’ve had no food in our house, and when we prayed someone brought us food. I know that God won’t forget us.”
But Jordy doesn’t like to dwell on his family problems. He wants to talk about how God has blessed them. Jordy used to be shy. Then someone invited him to preach in church. He wasn’t sure he could do it, but he agreed to try. “I prayed a lot, and I realized that God can use me to reach people’s hearts. It changed my life!” he says.
Now Jordy preaches often. He loves to tell others what God can do in their lives. He shares his faith with his neighbors and with his classmates at school too. “I want everyone to know that God loves them and has a plan for their lives,” he says.
When Jordy’s uncle was married, he invited Jordy to preach the wedding sermon. Jordy agreed, but he was shocked to find 800 people at the wedding. He prayed for God’s blessing, and he felt God speaking through him. “Afterwards when people thanked me for my sermon, I told them it wasn’t from me; it was from God,” Jordy said. “I don’t want credit for what God does. It’s for God’s glory.”
Jordy wants everyone to know Jesus and love God as he does. “I tell them that they are God’s children; they just didn’t know it until someone told them.” Jordy has dedicated his life to God alone, and he invites everyone to do the same. We can share God’s love with others we meet and through our mission offerings. Thanks for living as Jordy does, for God alone.
Jordy Estrada (left) lives in Quito, Ecuador.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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