HomeDailyInside Story: God’s Guiding Voice    


Inside Story: God’s Guiding Voice — 3 Comments

  1. I have been thinking a lot about faith this morning. I have been mulling over the question "of what quality is my faith?" Reading Jacques' story has helped me look with more focus at my faith's quality.
    It would seem to my human mind more sensible to visit my friend in the hospital than to go to church, more humane. Afterall Jesus healed on the Sabbath. But Jacques listened to God's guiding voice and followed his leading and did what seemed to me, to be the opposite of caring/loving my brother. Faith is obedience to God even when it seems to be not the humanly "right" thing to do.
    As with the prophets of old, and, even in my own life, when Jacques obeyed God, he gained the eternal life with Jesus and brought his family into faith as well.

  2. its amazing how people get into light. Am really touched by this story. God is still calling people to His kingdom. am so encouraged to tell it to all because the moment people come to realise the truth and respond faithfully, they become magnets to pull others to the kingdom. Thank you so much for sharing

  3. Are we not serving a great God... this must be wonderful...Praise the Lord and I rejoice with you.....


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