Inside Story: God’s Thousand Ways
I live in Sydney, Australia. Like most Australians, I had read the Bible some, but I wasn’t terribly interested in God. But when I received a brochure advertising a prophecy seminar, it caught my interest and I decided to attend. I learned so much about Daniel and Revelation, two books that had always puzzled me.
I learned about Discover Bible studies, offered on the Internet. I logged on and began studying the Bible online. I was pleased to see that everything the course discussed was backed up by the Bible. And it was so convenient! I could study on my own schedule.
After the prophecy seminar ended, I continued studying the Bible online. I finished four different courses in one year. They were so interesting that I could hardly wait to study the next lesson. The lessons covered things that I had learned in the prophecy seminar plus new information that filled in gaps in my knowledge. A health course even helped me learn to take better care of myself and to be more careful about what I ate, how I exercised, and even how much I rested.
I realized that my religious background was based more on tradition than on God’s Word, but the Adventists really did know a lot about their Bible. I gave my life totally to Christ and felt His blessing and love. I knew that I had been freed from false beliefs and bad habits.
The church where I had attended the prophecy seminar was far from my home. Then I learned of a church closer to my home, and I worshipped there. I was baptized into the Adventist family a few months later.
I thank God for all the ministries that helped lead me to Him. The prophecy seminar sparked my interest, and the Discover Bible lessons on the Internet were there when I needed them with high quality Bible study guides. Looking back I know that the Holy Spirit was leading me step by step. I feel so loved!
Now I’m sharing my faith with people at work, with friends, and even with people God puts in my path. It’s not easy in such a secular culture, but I pray that people will see Jesus in me and will accept God’s love in their own life.
God has a thousand ways to lead people to Himself. Thank you for giving your mission offerings, which help make it possible for people anywhere in the world to find Christ through personal evangelism or the Internet.
Prescilla Canilang lives in Sydney, Australia. For Internet Bible studies go to
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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Well inspirirng story. It menas our sometimes ''little'' efforts aint that little when God is in it. Amen
Oscar, UK