HomeDailyInside Story: Helping a Distressed Priest ~ TED    


Inside Story: Helping a Distressed Priest ~ TED — 2 Comments

  1. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice. Ps 55:17.

    The Power of Prayer
    The Lord answers every sincere prayer with either yes, no or wait. Many times we pray and expects to hear yes. If no or wait comes we feels disappointed. But when we trust in Jesus, we will wait patiently for him to do his will. Having a relationship with strangers and helping them is even better. Friendship ministry.

  2. Amazing how God works. When we share our faith and allow ourselves to be bold for God, the long reaching effects can be miracles in our daily lives.
    Love the inside stories!


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