Inside Story: The Lost Boy
Du and Zho are a Global Mission pioneer couple who are planting a church in a city in China. They sell products from door to door in order to meet people and make friends for Christ. They focus on helping people with special needs such as the sick, the elderly, and the needy. Then they introduce their new friends to their Savior.
Most of the people living in the region worship idols, so Du and Zho visit the temples to meet people as well. They search for people who look lonely or sad and offer their sympathy and friendship. If the people are willing, the couple prays for their special needs. Thus they have made many friends with whom they share God’s love and some literature introducing them to God.
One day as Du and Zho were walking along a road, they saw a teenage boy. He looked dirty and lost and troubled, so they stopped to talk to him. Du and Zho realized that the boy had mental problems and couldn’t tell them where he lived. It was winter and bitterly cold; the boy’s hands appeared to have been damaged by frostbite.
Du and Zho asked the boy to come to their home. They gave him a bath, provided him with clean clothes, and fed him a simple warm meal. Again they asked him where he lived. But the boy couldn’t tell them.
Du and Zho cared for the boy in their home while they contacted the police and a local television station for help in finding his family. Two weeks later the police called to tell them that they had located the boy’s family some 200 miles away from where Du and Zho had found him.
The couple took the boy back to his parents, who were grateful to have their lost son home again. When the family realized that Du and Zho were Christians, they invited the couple to stay with them and tell them about God. Du contacted the local elder at a nearby Adventist church and asked him to visit the family.
Du and Zho returned home to continue their work. A few months later they learned that the lost boy’s family had found Christ as their Lord and had joined the Adventist Church.
Our mission offerings support the work of Global Mission around the world.
Du and Zho are two of 60 lay workers who help a single pastor oversee 46 churches and 4,000 members in China.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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Du and Zhoe are incredible blessed young men. May the Almighty lord continue to bless them as we await for His second coming.
This is what I call practical Christianity. Not many people would spend a minute on a mentally challenged fellow. Let alone paying hospitality to them. This kind act must have been a big challenge to the parents of the boy as well, who probably, must have let him wonder to disappearance due to his condition. God bless Du and Zhoe.
May the Lord continue to bless and keep you Hu and Zho for sharing the good news and helping others.
God bless the hospitality of this couple Du and Zhoe, this potrays what true adventism is {HEB:13:2}.