Inside Story: Trail of Death, Part 1
Joel Sandoval grew up in an Adventist home, but his life was not transformed by God’s grace. As a teen he resented the restrictions that the church represented. At age 15 he dropped out of church and joined a gang. He quickly became involved in organized crime, drugs, and spiritism. He had his body tattooed with symbols of the devil and began smoking marijuana. Soon he moved to hard drugs, such as cocaine.
Joel’s parents allowed him to live at home, hoping that he would see the error of his ways. But when he was high on drugs, he often destroyed things in the house and terrified his mother. When the drugs wore off, Joel became depressed. One time he even tried to commit suicide. In spite of his parents’ constant prayers and offers of help, Joel was convinced that no one loved him.
He made fun of his parents and others who invited him to church. Joel hated them for what they stood for; he hated the church; he hated God. In spite of his abuse, his parents and church members continued to pray for him and remind him of God’s unfailing love. His mother was convinced that someday he would return to God and the church.
One night Joel was supposed to join his gang in a battle with another gang. A voice seemed to warn him to not go out that night. He remained home. Later he learned that his best friend had been killed during the fight. Joel realized that the warning voice he had heard was the voice of God. It had saved his life.
As he thought about the past few months, Joel realized that God had been speaking to him, telling him that the life he was leading was wrong. He began to cry, for he saw no way out of his drug-infested life. He began attending church again, but when members welcomed him, he thought they were staring at him. He felt like an outsider and stopped attending.
Joel decided to leave the country. When he told his mother, she cried. Before he left she pressed a small book into his hand. “Please, take this,” she begged. It was a New Testament. And in spite of his feelings about religion, Joel asked her to pray for him.
Joel and five other young men left Honduras, heading for Mexico. They passed through Guatemala and crossed into Mexico. But early one morning they found themselves surrounded by an angry mob who were brandishing knives and guns. The youth realized that these men intended to kill them. The previous day someone had stolen merchandise from a local business, and the mob was convinced that the six youths were the thieves. Spewing death threats, the locals locked the youth in a house, then circled the house with their guns and knives in hand.
Frightened, the boys watched as the locals prepared a noose to hang them. Some swore; others sobbed. Joel thought about how he had disappointed his family and God. He pulled out the New Testament that his mother had given him and began reading.

I'm second generation Adventist, I have a two teenage son, and I get. Very worry some times when I see my young son hang around with drug edicts, and this story gives me some insight, and pray for my son, only God will help to said no, if he is offered a drug to take, thanks - Tim - png
Trust fully in God..He will provide all our needs..keep praying hard for you sons
I like the first para of the story "...grew up in an Adventist home, but his life was not transformed by God’s grace.". Many a time we profess but are not Christ-like, within. Like the young man in the story, most of us have grown to know the Church but not Christ. Our children (and we all as Christians) need a relationship with God if our life must remain worthy of Him. The word must be in us and be growing. Isa 45:8“Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit; let the earth cause them both to sprout; I the Lord have created it." As parents, let's begin by seeking God's guidance on how to raise the children He gave us in a godly way. (I've personally began to see areas our children need prayer and other help in ever since I prayed for God to show us). And then let's faithfully pray for and deliberately study and discuss the word in perspective of real life experiences. Ours is to sow the seed, God will germinate and grow it. May God help us
I also have a 22 year old son who is no longer attending church. He has started smoking
my heart aches for his soul
Please pray for my son.
Wow! What a mighty God we serve! What a living God that protects and defends us!! What a prayerful mother, bless her heart (Joel’s mom).
Indeed, “… Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
When the spirit of the Lord is not upon you it Very important to be converted into Christian or Christ life. We always need constant prayers to the outsiders not ourselves and the Lord hear us Amen