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Introduction: God’s Mission, My Mission — 2 Comments

    • Very nice lesson I loved it.
      But the author, And all the adventures writers, Need to stop using the phrase "free will," when What they really mean is Choice. Adam and eve never had free will, They had choice. They did not plan the tree, They did not determine the punishment from eating from its fruit, They did not determine the reward for obedience. All they had was a choice to eat or not to eat. We do not have free will either. We have a choice will be or not obey. We do not determine the punishment for disobedience, No do we determine the reward for obedience. Only god has free will. Only god can act, And face no consequences for his action. When we act or do not act, We are exercising a choice, The outcome of our action is determined by god. That is the difference between free will, And choice.


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