HomeBeliefs About RestorationChrist's second coming - Fundamental Belief 25Is Jesus Still Coming Again?    


Is Jesus Still Coming Again? — 10 Comments

  1. Yes indeed Pastor, the "wedding" is still on. The "Bride", for whatever reason has delayed herself from being ready.

    (I had prepared a longer response but somehow I lost it. Perhaps another time)

  2. Thank you for this thought provoking topic.Your statement about hunger for the message should be the question we ask of ourselves. It is apparent that we are full and contented and have lost our appepite for the message. Luke 18:8 says it best, Will Jesus find faith when he returns. Let us remain hungry and faitful until Jesus returns.

  3. Thank-you William. Be ready implys to me we have gotten ready, but we keep the fire burning, holding the torch high until the end of earth brings us to our temporary home beyond the stars.

    "Day by day God instructs His children. By the circumstances of the daily life He is preparing them to act their part upon that wider stage to which His providence has appointed them. It is the issue of the daily test that determines their victory or defeat in life's great crisis." Desire of Ages 382.3

  4. Thank you William for your wise thoughts. We need to read your post over again and ask ourselves to which group we really belong. It isn‘t too late to make a shift, as God is merciful.

  5. Way back in the 1960`I remember meeting a group within the church calculating: 1844 plus 120 years of preaching by Noah, would be arriving at the year of 1964 for the second coming of Christ. That year came and passed by again. And Jesus did not come. He will certainly not come because of our calculated date of his coming. What kind of action will preceed his coming to his bride, the church, for the consummation of the wedding?

    The Apostle Paul says: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that he might present the church to himself in splendour, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." (Ephesians 5:25-27)

    Water and the word reminds us of our baptism, beginning a process of purification being accomplished by Christ aiming at becoming holy and without blemish at that day. That is his action on us and not our action done by ourself and of ourself and to ourself. In his Christ-centered theology Paul is proclaiming sola gratia, grace alone.

    Water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, for Jesus said: "Truely, truely, I say unto you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." (John 3:5) Baptism, an outward symbol of the inner renewal of being born again is that act of grace alone done within us and through us and on us. As entering the kingdom of God is an act of grace alone, so entering the consummation of the final wedding with Christ is a culmunating act of Christ in our behalf. It is an act of grace alone.

    There is a date set for this event, but this is way beyond our own calculation. We have to differentiate between what we know and what we do not know. Only Christ knows all about our readiness, as he alone knows what is in man. (John 2:25) Inasmuch as we never ever are able to know what is in man, it is not up to us calculating a date for our readiness or readiness of the church, His bride. So we leave all up to God in Christ Jesus to set a date for that day.

    Winfried Stolpmann

  6. We are a people of prophecy. The prophecies fulfilled in the past and the prophecies being fulfilled right now in our very lifetime are enough evidence of His imminent return. Maranatha…..he is coming again….lift up the trumpet loud let it ring. Jesus is coming again.

  7. We are a people of prophecy culminating in the Three Angels`Messages. The first two messages have been proclaimed and are being proclaimed. (Revelation 14:6-8) The third message is still ahead to be proclaimed when religeous freedom of conscience is threathend by a death decree. (Revelation 13:15; Revelation 14:9-11) Of those who will be proclaiming this last message it is said: "Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith in Jesus." (Revelation 14:12)

    This brings us to the most holy place being opened with a view of the ark of his covenant, where our High Priest is performing the last phase of his temple ministry. The ark of his covenant contains the original ten commandments, including the Sabbath, which inaugurates the issue in the last phase of the controversy between good and evil. (Revelation 11:19)

    We know what is ahead, but we do not know the date when Jesus will be leaving the most holy place. Certainly, there might be a correlation between the death decree (Revelation 13:15) and Jesus who will leave the most holy place in order to save his people from being wiped out from the earth. Salvation history culminates in Christ coming for the rescue of his people.

    In the culminating vision of the Three Angels` Messages the Son of Man is seen sitting on a cloud, in his hand a sharp sickle. (Revelation 14:14) The hour to reap is proclaimed, for the harvest of the earth is fully ripe. (Revelation 14:15) The context shows a double harvest of grain and grapes. Both are ripe. While the grain represents the believers in Christ, the clusters of the vine represent the evil powers of the earth.

    Heaven only proclaims the ripeness of the grain and the clusters of the vine. Prophecy has not only to do with prophetic dates, but also with a ripening christlike character for eternity on one hand, and evil character ripening for the execution of eternal judgement on the other hand. (see Matthew 13:30.43)

    Looking at these issues, the Three Angels` Message is calling for a decision to be ready for a christlike character ripening process performed by grace olone.

    Winfried Stolpmann

  8. Yes Jesus is coming back. He promised to do so.
    John 14:1-3.

    Prayer meetings are still important to many of us. We hang onto the quote that follows.

    "There is necessity for diligence in prayer; let nothing hinder you. Make every effort to keep open the communion between Jesus and your own soul. Seek every opportunity to go where prayer is wont to be made. Those who are really seeking for communion with God will be seen in the prayer meeting, faithful to do their duty and earnest and anxious to reap all the benefits they can gain. They will improve every opportunity of placing themselves where they can receive the rays of light from heaven." Steps to Christ 98.1

    I too ask the Holy Spirit to remove sin because I love Him.
    I too want to spread the Good News, Christ is coming back for you and me. We know not the hour of our Masters appearing. Yet signs all foretell that the moment of nearing. When He shall return tis a promise most cheering.
    Romans 13:11-14.


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