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03: Who Is Jesus Christ – Lesson Plan — 2 Comments

  1. Jesus had to be both God and man

    When our first parents sinned it put heaven into a dilemma. God is a merciful God but He is also a just God.

    When man sinned, the law said, the wadges of sin is death, eternal death

    The Mercy of God wanted to save man, but the Justice of God said according to the law, he must die eternal death

    God could not change His law for He is God and He changes not. If God changed His law to accommodate the sin of man, then all of the other worlds would think that it is alright to sin for God will change his law to save us. God, loves us to much to kill us. Then it would give all the children of Adam the OK to sin for God will change His law just to save us.

    God could have forgiven man and ignored the penalty of the law. If He did that no one would take God seriously. Then He would have to apologize to Lucifer for not doing the same thing to him. Every parent knows that if you promise to punish your child and don’t follow through with it, that child will never take you serious and he will do it again.

    Man could not die for himself for justice demanded eternal death and the only death that man could die for himself is eternal death..

    Angels could had died for man, but that would not satisfy Justice for three reasons:
    1. That would not be fair to the angel to die eternally for guilty man
    2. Angels are created beings, for an Angel to substitute his life for mans life is just like a man that was given the death sentence but substitute his dog in his place. It was just not be the same. That would never satisfy Justice.

    No angel could atone for our sin of unbelief and rebellion. If God had sent an angel to die for us, it wouldn’t heal our doubts about His love. If He had said, “Would you believe I love you if I sent someone else to die for you?” that would not be love. That would just be throwing one of His created beings under the bus! The only way that God could cure our rebellion and sin of unbelief in His love, is if He died for us Himself! Saying I love you enough to die for you, means a lot more than saying I love you enough to send an angel to die for you. (Posted on January 2, 20114 by William Earnhardt)

    3. Angels cannot give eternal life, so his death cannot satisfy the demand of eternal death.

    The only person who could satisfy the demand of eternal death is the person who can give eternal life

    However, as a loving mother cannot stand to see her guilty son die in the gas chamber, the Mercy of God could not stand to see guilty man die an eternal death

    Therefore Jesus as the Eternal Life Giver, volunteered to die for guilty man.

    Justice said, that cannot be. For the wadges of sin is eternal death. You are God, You are life itself. You cannot die. Even if you tried to kill yourself God cannot die.

    But Mercy said no! Then I will become a man. I will cover my Divinity with Humanity so I can die for man.

    So God became a man so He could die for man.

    However, the enemy waged war against Jesus. Satan said, “It won’t be that easy. You may defeat me as God, but if you become a man trying to save man from going to Hell, then I will give you Hell.

    Jesus said, I don’t care if I have to suffer, I love the church and I will suffer and die for the church

    So Jesus became a man, and married the church. Became one with man (Genesis 2:24 - For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. NIV). Christ became a man so that He could substitute His life for man.

    As a man He could taste eternal death
    Hebrews 2:9 But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.
    So as Man Jesus could taste eternal death for man, but as God He could resurrect His humanity with eternal life.

    John 10:18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

    In His birth He covered His Divinity with Humanity so that He could die for us. In His death He covered our humanity with His Divinity so that we might live with Him.

    So Jesus became our substitute. He substituted His life for our life and He substituted His death for our death.


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