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Jesus for President — 32 Comments

  1. Thanks for the great comment. We tend to loose the focus and don't seem to recall that our conscience is not governed by other men. We shouldn't mix church and state.

    • We are in the world but let's not be for this world. As saints we are a chosen nation, a royal preasthood. So let's be holy like our God is holy.

    • Scratched an itch? Are you kidding me? This needs to be said over and over again. Too many people, even Christians, have divested themselves of their moral responsibilities, leaving their fate in the hands of man instead of taking their stand for what is moral, just, and godly. To your point, Jennifer, on every page of history where good moral leaders ruled, there have always been corrupt citizens. Conversely, in every era, even in times of morally bankrupt leadership, God-honoring people have always existed. The real question I need to ask myself is, who will I choose as president of my heart? Thanks for a thought-provoking and inspiring article.

  2. Jesus on earth never engaged in any political dealings or title(s) but rather he exposed the darkness that is associated with politics or poltical powers. But when He comes again to take His children home, we read, He will come as Lord of all lords and King of all kings.
    There's no faiure in God. Jesus did not fail to save the nation of Israel, but rather Israel failed to recognized God's salvation plan for them. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to guide our understanding in all things and the precious gift of descerment we so desperately need in this day and age we're living in. CHEERS!!!

  3. When I read “His presidential experiment failed”, I asked when? After all, He didn't come to establish a kingdom. I think that is why we pray “Thy Kingdom Come” and I know his kingdom will not be given to others.

    • I believe Jennifer is referring to the Old Testament theocracy. The people rejected God as their King and demanded a king they could see - one like all the other nations had. Through Samuel God warned them of the results, but He agreed to give them a king.

      Thus, from a human point of view, the "theocracy" (government by God) failed. In another comment Jennifer also refers to the fact that, even while Israel had God as King, they failed in their obedience because they tried to do it on their own.

      • Inge, maybe I am wrong but my understanding from reading Jennifer's article is that she is considering the rejection of the theocracy as beginning in the Garden of Eden not just from Moses as we generally consider it. I believe that would be correct because we see man rebelling all through the Old Testament from Eden on. We also see the rebellion continuing after the Babylon captivity until the Messiah was crucified and in the New Testament it predicts it to continue until the Second Advent. Only then will the theocracy really be set up.

        In short from the fall on man has continually rejected God as a sovereign ruler and has put in His place numerous gods including evolution.

  4. This was truly a refreshing piece! As Christians we can get caught up and discouraged by the politics of the world today, but it was nice to have this reminder that Christ is our ultimate ruler.

  5. I liked the discussion on the presidency of Jesus Christ. I hope that all Christians understand that they would be ministers in this blessed cabinet. Their work is to serve the nation. There are still many out there that are still living in ghettos and slummy conditions. Their salvation is tied up with our ministry. It is through our humble service that they will know where their God is. Let us therefore in full swing stand up and support our president.

  6. There seems to be a reaction to my comment that Jesus' presidency failed. Please understand my meaning. The failure of the theocracy was due to the insufficiency of human flesh unaided by the Holy Spirit. With even the best of Leaders, externally imposed law can't bring the transformation needed. We must be changed from the inside out. This was my meaning.

  7. And we often think that our current world leaders will fix the problems of our present day. Even the most perfect of presidents was rejected by men. They even hung him on a tree. the works of men truly will fail but Jesus stands as King of Kings and President of Presidents. He is in control. Let us all live according to his will so we can enjoy what He has in store for us in the life hereafter.

  8. As I see it, Jennifer, the willingness of the subjects will not remove Jesus' absolute rule. Rather, it will turn His absolute Kingship into a plus!!! For this reason, although I love your article, I don't care much for its title. I want Jesus to be far more than a president!

    "She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron." Revelation 12:5, first part

  9. Datz right 4 we win good over evil....cruxification site itself was filth, but later it was Mt.Calvary.Jesus my true prince

  10. I love the discussion and appreciate all that was said. Jesus' ministry on earth was an absolute unequivocal success. He was not swayed by Peter's claim of devotion, by the devil's offer of glory, or His own fear of being separated from God. Jesus did the will of His Father demonstrating the behavior of a good citizen.

    When it comes to Israel's failure to be led, I agree with you Jenny they would not allow God's spirit to change the heart which made them unfit as citizens of Heaven's government and confused as to Jesus' purpose on earth. I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, Selah.

    My prayer is that I stop being a obstructionist to God's government. It is contextual that Israel wanted a King and we want a good president. When God just wants to be in our hearts.

    • I did have a great Sabbath. It started with your article, then worship, then church, then prayer, then praise, then meditation and then a birthday party for a prayer warrior, who by all accounts really loves Jesus. This is not boastful because God gets the glory. I want to be clear however on your quote of what I wrote or maybe I just don't understand. I said " my prayer is that I stop being an obstructionist to God's government" and you said, " my fear is that I stop being an obstructionist to God's government" and these two statements are in conflict. My thinking is it was a typo or I need help in understanding. Please clarify. God gets the Glory.

  11. I read your article which is great by way. However, I was troubled by one thing that you said concerning how the civil government should govern our behavior and not our conscience. The latter I am okay with but not the former. The role of the civil government is to protect the rights and freedom of the people and not to dictate how they should behave. In most cases our behaviors are influenced by our consciences and so it is virtually impossible to control someone's behavior without interfering with their conscience.

    • I agree with the person who writes under the name 'scientist'. My mind took me back to the Hebrew boys. I am sure that their conscience told them not to bow to the image on the plains of Dura. However what if they said to themselves, 'we'll bow but we know that it is wrong and God knows our hearts (conscience). How different the story would have been!

  12. Hallelujah!! to all the comments. It's refreshing to know that people are at least thinking about the King of Kings and desiring to be led by the Holy Ghost. We know that now it is possible to live like Jesus. And one day we will be in his presence for eternity, praise God. In our present state on everyside, there are so many temptations. But when we are with the King of Kings' we will no longer be in the presence of sin. Just stay true to what the Bible says for us and submit yourselves to the Lord and satan will flee from you. What a sobering thought. Amen.

  13. Scientist you might have read a bit more into my comments than I intended. I mean that the government should impose limits on criminal behavior. This ends up being the same things are protecting rights.

  14. Looking at our sister's sharing and the key words' the general issue is that Israel defected from their kingship status (not of this world, but of the royal government of the MOST HIGH GOD) and, not willing to leave his own, and having promised to Abraham that HE WOULD BE THEIR GOD if THEY OBEY HIS COVENANT, the FATHER was not ready to lock out HIS OWN from the ROYAL feast, therefore choosing a sacrificial death of HIS OWN SON. >>>>> but He is too honorable for a president, a defiled term!

  15. Good job Jennifer. I think you scratched the surface of yet a another vital present truth; though Jesus is our King and Leader, He may not be able to change our lukewarm hearts, and sadly, He may be forced to spew us out. This is a message worth contemplating.


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